League-occupied Varshan

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League-occupied Varshan is the administration of Varshan from its 2024 defeat in the Final War of the Deluge.

League Occupation of Varshan

Flag of
The flag of League-occupied Varshan
Common languages
GovernmentMilitary occupation
Urcea Martin St. Clair
Cartadania Oliver F. Tudela
• Establishment of a commission for occupied Anzo
1 June 2024
CurrencyTaler (de facto)

The victorious League members asserted joint authority and sovereignty over Varshan as a whole, defined as all territories of the former Worshipful Realm of Varshan excluding those separated by the Treaty of Electorsbourg. The five powers divided "Varshan as a whole" into five occupation zones for administrative purposes under Urcea, Kiravia, Daxia, Alstin, and Cartadania. This division was put in place in June of 2024 and ratified at the Treaty of Electorsbourg. In addition to the five occupation zones, a sixth zone for Anzo - declared a city under international supervision - was created under the joint military administration of the five League members and the political administration of the Protected Lands and Sea Lanes Authority of the League of Nations.

Occupation and partition

International Anzo

On June 1st, 2024, Martin St. Clair in his authority as Supreme Commander Allied Forces declared the city of Anzo and surrounding areas to be under "direct international administration". This was the first declaration regarding the status of any occupied land anywhere in Varshan, and this declaration provided for a two-sided administration of the city. The area placed under the "international administration" were subject to the civil and political regulations established by the Protected Lands and Sea Lanes Authority of the League of Nations, which would provide for a basic public administration and basic civil law code. The military and police protection of the city would be provided by a Joint Board of Military Commissioners, a five-man committee with a representative of each of the five major occupying powers. The Board had little power over the day-to-day civil administration of the city but oversaw its protection and policing and was also granted the ability to create or abolish laws of the zone when in the interests of "ending practices of the abolished regime related to humanitarian or civil rights violations", particularly with regard to elements of Arzalist practice as well as the caste system and slavery. State Arzalism is allowed within the zone.

Urcean zone

The Temporary Military Rectory for Central Crona ("TMRCC" or "TMR"), the Urcean administrative zone of occupied Varshan, is based primarily out of the Seneca Islands rather than on the mainland, though most of its diplomacy is conducted via consulates in occupied Anzo. Rather than the traditional system of a single responsible Military Rector, the TMR is governed by a three person commission of Prorectors. The Prorectors are appointed by the head of League of Nations Command with the approval of the Procurator of Urcea. The Prorectors, accordingly, directly oversee the entire governmental and military operations within the occupation zone. Under the Commission is a number of various agencies which largely correspond to comparable Concilium Purpaidá ministries in Urcea. The Urcean Department of National and Institutional Development plays a major role in the administration of the zone, providing direct humanitarian relief while working with former slaves in order to increase their political engagement.

The occupation area, largely corresponding to the western quarter of the country, used relatively few slaves relative to other portions of the country, and accordingly the initial occupation saw little domestic bloodshed. However, the relative wealth of this area lead to a major influx of former slaves into the region beginning in the winter of 2024-25, with many formerly prosperous settlements being ransacked or occupied. The TMR has established policy largely ignoring previous property claims of higher caste individuals in cases of post-occupation conflict.

The TMR set forward six mid-term (through 2033) goals for its administration of the region. First is the reestablishment (or in some cases establishment) of solid networks of transportation and logistics throughout the occupied zone. The primary purpose for this goal prior to 2027 was to expedite and streamline the delivery of food to ameliorate postwar famine conditions, and after that year it became both an economic driver as well as a method for military and policy deployment. The second is the destruction, within the extent possible, of Orthodox Arzalism and Arzalist institutions. Although the Government of Urcea supports reform Arzalist movements in principle, in practice this policy is designed to root out the hierarchical social underpinnings and metaphysical assumptions that govern Varshani culture. The third priority is the establishment of an open, Occidental style economy within the occupation zone, ranging from appropriating DNID grants for direct economic reconstruction as well as creating on-the-ground policies and business climate that make the area viable for foreign investment and local opportunity; this includes generous openings for Occidental firms to enter the occupation zone. The fourth priority is the "establishment of a free society," which in the occupation zone context means the destruction of the caste system. This goal is being pursued in the occupation zone not only by the destruction of legal boundaries between caste individuals, but the active economic enfranchisement of former lower caste individuals and slaves. The public administration in the zone primarily achieves this by means of division of land into title given to these persons. Anti-discriminatory enforcement against local Varshanis is also included within this goal. The fifth goal is "to provide for the eternal welfare" of the Varshani people, which contextually means opening the territory to missionary activity by the Catholic Church and specifically linking former slave communities with Catholic missionaries. The sixth and final goal is the reconstitution of a provincial system, structuring local home rule units that can effectively enforce the law, prevent high-caste political power backsliding, and reestablish local rule by Varshanis.

Kiravian zone

The central administration of the Kiravian Zone is headquartered at Jeb!ultepec Airport. General Carinþius Stólevrin serves as the inaugural Military Governor of the Zone, which covers the far east of Varshan, from Lake Jeb!ultepec to the Mountains of Terror. The eastern periphery of the country was a later addition to the Varshani realm, and heavily exploited for its mineral and environmental resources. As such, it has a relatively smaller ethnic Varshani (both freeborn and ex-slave) and larger ex-slave population than most of the other zones, as well as a small but notable population of highland peoples who had not been as thoroughly incorporated into the Varshani social and political order. The Kiravian Zone also contains a very high number of internally displaced persons. Kiravian authorities have attributed the IDP crisis mainly to the breakdown of supply chains to the region's many outlying plantations and isolated mining settlements as the Varshani economy imploded, though it has been widely argued that infrastructural damage from the aggressive Kiravian bombing campaigns during the war is in fact the primary cause.

Top priorities for the Kiravian administration include addressing the IDP and food distribution issues, providing assistance to former slaves, and confronting the threat posed by roving warrior bands and Arzali fundamentalists still aligned with the old order.

The Summer of Blood, a widespread eruption of atrocities against upper-caste Varshanis and Martial-among-Gentiles in July and August 2024, was severe in the Kiravian Zone, especially the Southern Division, featuring numerous M'acunist-derived ritual slaughters of upper-caste people along the rivers flowing into the Širaq Basin. The failure of efforts to quell the mob violence prompted Gen. Stólevrin to order a comprehensive evacuation of upper castes to Army-enforced "safe zones" in August, promising to complete the transfer of deportees to other parts of Varshan by winter.

Cartadanian zone

The region known as Occupied South Varshan Region (OSVR) or Náyali is the Cartadanian administrative zone of occupied Varshan. It is situated between the Alstinian and Daxian zones to the southwest and northeast, respectively. The region is governed by a five-member board, known as the OSVR Recovery Board, which consists of three local leaders, one Cartadanian diplomatic official, and one League diplomatic official. This board is responsible for all governmental operations, while the Cartadanian Department of Defense maintains military operations within the area.

The Recovery Board's primary agenda is to establish a distinct regional government that allows a separation of power, ensuring that no one person or entity may control it. Alahuela, the capital city of Cartadania, has been using Cartadania's donor status to support the economy of the region and push it toward sustainability. Various federal agencies within Cartadania, including the departments of Education, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, Labor, and State, have all played a major role in creating analog institutions for the region, while also providing audits and training to the populace of the region.

The geographic makeup of the region consists of a primarily flat and well-irrigated landscape, which has facilitated agriculture as a significant contributor to the economy. While slavery was present in the region, especially as it pertained to agricultural use, the number of former slaves is relatively small compared to other areas of the country. The Kulukusi, a tribal group from the mountains of southeast Varshan, are also present in small numbers after being resettled following conflict. In its early years of occupation, Náyali was an economic backwater, but it had a large underground, service-based economy. In subsequent years, economic development policies have facilitated industrial growth, and the region has trended toward becoming one of the more affluent provinces in the country, with industries spanning coffee production, clothing, and sports manufacturing. This economic growth and high demand for labor have led to an influx of migrants to the region's de facto capital.

Náyali has an established plan for redevelopment known as the OSVR Recovery Board Plan. It is a framework of guidelines and recommendations set forth by the Recovery Board with assistance from the newly created agencies, as well as Cartadanian government agencies, with the goal of establishing a functional quasi-autarky within ten years of occupation. The Recovery Board Plan has five main objectives, each spearheaded by different departments. The first objective, established by the Department of Energy and Mineral Resources and the Department of Transportation, created a plan for reconnecting the region's roadways, railways, and ports, and promoted a plan to make those systems more effective and cost-efficient. The second objective was the responsibility of the Department of Commerce and Department of Agriculture, which established guidelines for economic growth in the region and helped manage the region's new economic status. The third objective, maintained by the Department of Education, set up a satellite office for the Erudite University of Alahuela that allowed rapid response training for locals, while also providing a method by which the regional government could establish schools. The fourth objective was spearheaded by the Departments of Health and Human Services and Housing and Urban Development to help with food security, housing, and healthcare in lieu of the collapsed government. This objective was mostly supplied by local resources with some imported goods to help stabilize the population. Finally, the fifth objective was created as the final push toward functional operation of a local government. It was orchestrated by the Department of Labor and essentially worked alongside the Cartadanian freedmen's bureau to tie all of these objectives together and make them more attainable. It provides a framework for how Náyali should move towards reintegration with the other regions in the future, but leaves space for self-determination. While this framework exists, no set date for de-occupation has been established, and the Cartadanian federal government maintains that it will remain in the region as long as needed.

Daxian zone

The Daxian occupation authorities made the city of Tizro its administrative center with General Lei Shen serving as military governor until the handover to local authorities. As of 2029 the majority of the zone has been handed to the civilian control of the Party of Varshan Democrats and redesignated as the Zanoma Regional Administration. The districts encompassed by the regional administration saw some of the heaviest and most violent fighting of the war including the deployment of weapons of mass destruction, scorched earth tactics and widespread attacks on civilian infrastructure. Many cities and settlements were compeltely destroyed, creating an enormous internally displaced population.

The zone boasts large forests and a mostly intact timber industry, efforts to reactivate it and other productive sectors are ongoing as is the rehabilitation of transport links such as highways and rail lines to the rest of Varshan. The previously large Varshani population has been hard hit by high intensity warfare and the free use of WMD's which have caused large refugee outflows, partial depopulation and widespread lack of food and shelter necessitating massive amounts of aid. Authorities have commenced a wide ranging purge of individuals of all castes suspected of participating, organizing or abetting anti-Daxian and anti-PVD activities. The PVD administration has secured Daxian support to maintain a sanitized version of Orthodox Arzalism, dubbed State Arzalism in order to help preserve Varshan's traditions and prevent Western erosion of the local culture. To aid this effort, proselytism by foreign religions (especially Urcean Christian missionaries has been outlawed).

Alstinian zone

The Southeastern Varshan Administrative Region (SVAR) or unofficaily Tashi-Atuqallpa, is the Alstinian administrative zone of occupied Varshan. The region is governed by the SVAR Reconstruction Commission, with its headquarters based in Purépec. This board is responsible for all governmental operations, while the United Republic Ministry of Defense conducts military and peacekeeping operations within the region in conjunction with associated allies.


Territory separated from Varshan

In the Treaty of Electorsbourg, significant territories were separated from Varshan and transferred to various neighboring entites, ranging from Occidental powers to new Cronan states. The peaceful transfer of these territories was one of the first administrative responsibilities the League occupation force had to encounter.

Territory ceded to NSTA members

Territory ceded to Xisheng

Territory ceded to Greater Atrassica

Territory ceded to Alstin and its allies

Territory ceded to other parties

Expulsion policy

Four of the five major occupying powers of Varshan pledged to respect the land rights of those who have historically lived in Varshan and sought to stay in territories separated from the country - Urcea, Kiravia, Alstin, and Cartadania. Daxia did not sign any pledge to this effect.

Demilitarized zones

In addition to territorial losses, two demilitarized zones were created in northern Varshan to prevent the newly constituted state from posing a military threat to New Veltorina and Quetzenkel.

Occupation policy

Reforms to Arzalism

Resettlement policy

Freedmen's Bureaus

The rapid and violent dismantling of Varshan's slave economy liberated a massive population of former slaves, estimated to number in the XXX millions, whose humanitarian situation was extremely dire. Many, especially those involved in industrial or mining labour, or held by the temple system, were left without any means of support immediately after the war, and it is reported that many others continued to be in *de facto* bondage even after the fall of Anzo, being held in rural areas with a lighter Allied troop presence or remaining under their pre-war masters for lack of other options. Former slaves faced severe and unshakable social stigma that limited their access to what little remained of the Varshani economy, and as a brutally oppressed class of disparate ethnic origins, they lacked any suitably wide-reaching organisations or social networks of their own to help meet their collective needs.

Several of the occupying powers established Freedmen's Bureaux to alleviate the plight of the former slaves. The Kiravian bureau was established during the middle phase of the war to manage the throngs of slaves fleeing behind the Kiravian Army's lines and north to the Southern Military District during its incursion into northeastern Varshan. The first field offices on Varshani territory were opened in Monthember 2024 after the capture of Jeb!ultepec. The first Urcean bureaux were opened shortly after, in [places].

The Freedmen's Bureaux did [things].