Kiravian Industrial-Commercial Executive

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The Industry and Commerce Executive (Kiravic: Vekturora Amersk u Malartisk) is the first-level executive body responsible for Kiravian industrial policy, international trade policy, and national economic strategy. In its industrial policy capacity, ICE works closely with sector associations, important manufacturing and trading corporations, and major investors to enhance Kiravian economic competitiveness, facilitate information exchange and coöperation between the federal government and private sector, and administer federal grants and subsidies. Although agencies under ICE have some regulatory powers (mostly with regard to trade), ICE's primary mission is to support Kiravian business to advance the national interest, in contrast to the Common Market Executive, which exists to regulate commercial activity in the public interest.

Industry & Commerce Executive
Vekturora Amersk u Malartisk

Commanding Heights Towers, Kartika
Agency overview
Preceding agencies
  • Nat'l Development Commission (KR)
  • Industrial Works Directorate (KU)
HeadquartersCommanding Heights, Kartika
MottoPrá Ventam Ɣirpiassa, Va Synderm Xistúnd Mulnē
"Droppin' work off the scale, throwin' ice in the pot"
Annual budget£4.25 billion
Minister responsible
Child agencies
  • Macroëconomics & Planning Bureau
  • Bureau of Trade Relations
  • Bureau of Commerce
  • Kiravian Patent Office
  • Bureau of Physical Capital Research
  • Bureau of Industry


The legal and functional predecessor of ICE was the National Development Commission created in [YEAR] by the rump Federalist government on Æonara. Prior to this, there was no single government agency dedicated to industrial policy, nor an official body to coördinate federal-corporate relations. The victory of Kirosocialist forces on the mainland put the Kiravian Union in control of the lion's share of Kiravian industrial capacity. However, in the course of the political usurpation, mass flight of financial capital and many members of the Kiravian mercantile, professional, and managerial classes to Æonara and the Colonies afforded the Federalist rump state an opportunity to jump-start the recreation of a strong modern economy in territories still under its control. Prime Executive Séan Kæśek understood that building a new industrial base was critically important for maintaining his government's military capacity, and that strong trade relationships with friendly capitalist powers like Paulastra and Caphiria was crucial for maintaining its diplomatic legitimacy. In service to these goals, he decreed the National Development Commission to help key Kiravian firms like the Bay Trading Company, Keregūlan Merchants of the Tropics, Iribisuv Industries, and Kiravian Standard Beer (now Alquifer Incorporated) reconstitute themselves in Æonara; to provide state assistance to entrepreneurs and industrialists, and to make sure that productions decisions were in harmony with the government's military needs and development goals. Responsibility for trade relations was gradually transferred to the NDC from the Maritime Executive by [YEAR]. In [YEAR], the NDC ceased to be an Collegiate-level body in its own right, and was subordinated to the Industry & Commerce Executive.

After the fall of the Kirosocialist régime and the return of the Federalist government to the mainland in [YEAR], the ICE immediately assumed a central role in managing the transition to a market economy and implementing the National Renewal Movement's Clarendonomic developmentalist and ordoliberal economic agenda. ICE absorbed the former Kiravian Union's Industrial Works Directorate from the defunct Economic & Social Council, oversaw the privatisation of state-owned industrial enterprises, and spearheaded the movement toward an export-based growth model.

Under the Mérovin administration, several subjects within ICE's policy remit were transferred to the Energy, Development, Signals, and Finance Executives. Growing preferences for somewhat more hands-off, *laissez-faire* approach to economic policy during the Mérovin years and continuing under Candrin further reduced the size and importance of the agency from its peak under Rénkédar. Nonetheless, ICE remains a high-profile and influential agency, and features prominently in administration plans on international competitiveness.

Agencies Reporting to ICE

Strategic Directorate

  • Macroëconomics & Planning Bureau - Undertakes research, analysis, and monitoring of macroeconomic data; produces planning recommendations and reports
    • Econometrics Office
  • National Development Commission
  • Economic Planning and Development Commission
  • Research, Development and Evaluation Commission

Commercial Directorate

Bureau of Trade Relations - Responsible for bilateral and multilateral trade relations and representation.

  • Multilateral & Regional Affairs Office - Trade negotiations as part of multilateral accords and regional blocs
  • Urceo-Levantine Office - Trade with the Levantine Union
  • Kilikas Sea Office - Trade with all Levantine countries outside of the LU
  • Caphirian Office - Trade with Caphiria
  • Cartadanian Office - Trade with Cartadania, Pelaxia, and (since 2024) Patraja
  • Cape-Farpoint Office - Trade with Paulastra and the Cape
  • Alstin & Colonies Office - Trade with Alstin, its colonies, and Cronan countries under its influence
  • Sarpedon-Ixnay Office - Trade with countries in Sarpedon and the Istroyan Sea not otherwise specified
  • East Tropics Office - Trade with Audonia and Punth
  • West Tropics Office - Trade with Loa Republic, Polynesia (exc. Alstin), and South Crona (exc. Alstinian sphere)


  • Odoneru-Hekuvian Office - Bifurcated into the Caphirian and Cartadanian Offices
  • Cusinaut-Nysdra Office - Remit transferred to the Overseas Development Executive
  • North Atrassic Office - As above.

Bureau of Commerce

  • Trade Licence Office
  • Trademark & Design Protection Office
  • Ice Office
  • Fisheries Exports Office
  • Creative, Cultural, and Design Industries Office
  • National Branding & Overseas Marketing Office
  • Arms Control Office
  • Drugs, Chemicals, and Explosives Export Control Office

Industrial Directorate

Kiravian Patent Office - Examines and grants patents and utility models

Physical Capital Improvements Bureau - Oversees, finances, and publishes open-source research into industrial technologies and methods

Bureau of Industry - Talks to corporate *like a boss*

  • Aerospace & Defence Industry Office
    • Space Department
  • New Technology Working Group
    • Information Technology Office
      • Industrial Software Department
    • Consumer Electronics & Miniaturization Office
    • Imaging & Optics Office
    • Electrical Equipment Office
  • Biotechnology Working Group
    • Biochemicals & Bioreactors Office
    • Medical Devices & Dental Equipment Office
    • Pharmaceuticals Office (Small Molecule)
    • Biofabrication Office
    • Protein Products & Biologics Office
  • Boiler Office
  • Shipwrights' Office
  • Iron & Steel Office
  • Nonferrous Metallurgy Office
  • Chemical Industry Office
  • Distilleries Office
  • Pulp & Paper Office
  • Plastics & Polymers Office
  • Construction Elements & Bulk Materials Office
  • Nano-, Ultralight, and Advanced Materials Office
  • Robotics Office
  • Offshore Assembly Office
  • Tool & Die Office
  • Automotive Office
  • Non-Alcoholic Beverage Office
  • Mineral Office
    • Salt, Sand, and Gravel Department
    • Rare Earth Minerals Department
    • Kaolin & Lime Department
  • Ceramics Office
  • Textiles Office
  • Consumer & Home Goods Office


During the past two decades or so, the Industry & Commerce Executive, especially its Bureau of Industry, has been the target of significant political criticism from various sectors. The most consequential criticism has come from economic liberals and libertarians, particularly the Liberal Republican wing within the dominant Shaftonist-Republican Alliance, who argue that the planning and industrial policy arms of ICE are no longer necessary in the "mature market economy" of contemporary Kiravia, and that it protects uncompetitive legacy industries while impeding market-driven innovation. Liberal Republicans in the Stanora, with the backing of KFA-affiliated libertarians and populists, have successfully pushed for numerous incremental reforms of ICE and its subordinate agencies to decrease its direct power over the industrial sector and increase transparency, but many continue to call for its remit to be cut back to a focus on trade. ICE has also been criticised for alleged cronyism and corruption, inappropriate collusion with individual market actors, inaccuracy in reports, and entrenchment of established business interests at the expense of new, small, and disruptive enterprises.