Mid-Atrassic States

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The Mid-Atrassic States is a federation of Kiravian overseas dependencies in east-central Crona, under the auspices of the Kiravian Collectivity. It was established in 2034 AD by the amalgamation of two preceding entities: Mid-Atrassic Crona (Kiravian-held lands in the former Nanzitolclatl) and Upper Atrassic Crona (lands permanently separated from Varshan under the Treaty of Electorsbourg). A product of the Deluge, the Mid-Atrassic States form one of the larger contiguous colonial territories in modern Crona and are of enormous economic, strategic, and geopolitical-ideological importance to the Kiravian Federacy.

Commonwealth of Mid-Atrassic States

Lódrisavravuntin Iviatrassix Ārkîya
Flag of Mid-Atrassic States
Government emblem of Mid-Atrassic States
Government emblem
LargestEast Rigo
Official languagesKiravic Coscivian
Recognised regional languagesChapatec, Demotic Varshani
Čikibriki, Patapzcotl
Copacaban, Čapticolani, Qoptanquatl
Ethnic groups
Native (majority)
Settler (minority)
Čulčeo, Christianity
Hail Gods Faith, Solar Arzalism
GovernmentBenefactor confederacy
• Sovereign
Marble Emperor
• Governor-General
Ivoŕ Arolian
LegislatureLegislative Conference
Dependencies within the Kiravian Collectivity
CurrencyCronan lira
Driving sideleft
Internet TLD.ms


Most of what is currently known about the premodern history of the lands that would become the Mid-Atrassic States concerns the impact of Varshani imperialism in the area. The southern parts of the Mid-Atrassic States fell victim to Varshani conquests and suffered long periods of direct rule, while more northerly areas, though spared this fate, were nonetheless targeted for large-scale slave raids as part of the Hunts, as well as other forms and modes of indirect domination and malign influence by the continental hegemon.

[Mississippian stuff? Adapted Precolumbian Mesoamrican social organisation?]

[Early Kiravian contact - Goa-Mangaloreanisation of Chappaqua and {insert other region here?}]

Large-scale Coscivian settlement was attempted on tracts of pericoastal land purchased for such purposes from Chapatec tribes, but was thwarted by high mortality rates due to a poorly-understood waterborne disease known as Atrassic diarrhœa flagrans.


Nanzitolclatl War

Final War

The course of the Eastern Front of the Final War of the Deluge ran through the future Mid-Atrassic States and would ultimately lead to their expansion and consolidation as a single entity after the war.

Postwar devastation


It was recognised that the Mountains of Terror and their foothills were too economically and socially underdeveloped for immediate independence, and that geographic and historical barriers would ensure that the political development of these lands would be a very long-term project. responsible government. Delimited by the treaty and formally separated from Varshan as Upper Atrassic Crona.

Economic and living conditions in Mid-Atrassic Crona improved after the war. The rising importance of logsitical chains running through the territory to support the Kiravian occupation of eastern Varshan brought increased employment opportunities for the population.


The Mid-Atrassic States were established in 2034 pursuant to the Atrassic Crona Governance Act, which effected a merger of Mid-Atrassic Crona and Upper Atrassic Crona. The consolidation of Kiravia’s new dependencies under a single overarching territorial formation was first suggested in a report from the Bureau of Governance Analysis, which found that combining the two existing administrations would eliminate redundancies and considerably reduce costs, as well as facilitate the integration of both territories into the Kiravian overseas network and hasten development. Further impetus toward consolidation came in the wake of the 2033 federal election in which the Labour Front of Kirav greatly increased its strength in the Stanora, riding a tide of insularist and Cronasceptic sentiment in the electorate and vowing to cut spending on Cronan affairs. The ACGA also provided for other reforms meant to make the colonial administration more fiscally freestanding and legislatively empowered, in order to insulate the Kiravian presence in the concerned territories from divestment under a potential future Labour majority or administration.


Government flag and ensign of the Mid-Atrassic States

[Constitutional status and sovereignty situation]

The Governor-General chairs a General Executive Council, which acts as both a cabinet and a legislative body, having the power to enact primary legislation for the country through decrees known as 'conciliar ordinances' (kovarigisvamdin).

A Legislative Conference is empowered to legislate on matters of interstate domestic policy and taxation, as well as to legislate directly for the non-self-governing territories, with the exception of military districts.

Civil service positions are staffed by officers of the Cronan Administrative Service, an agency of the Overseas Governance Executive.

For some administrative purposes, the Mid-Atrassic States observes the division of its territory into three parts: the Northern Department (former Mid-Atrassic Crona), the Southern Department (former Upper Atrassic Crona), and the Chapatec Free State. The Northern and Southern Departments each have a Secretary of State serving as the chief administrative official; their counterpart in the Chapatec Free State is the Free State’s Prime Executive.

The Mid-Atrassic Postal Service (MAPS) took over responsibility for mail delivery in the Northern and Southern Departments in 2035, though its organisation, procedures, and systems are identical to those of the Kiravian Post that served its predecessor territories. The Chapatec Free State continues to be served by the Kiravian Post pending revision of its treaties with the Kiravian Federacy, which may result in a switchover either to MAPS or an independent domestic postal service.

Federal subjects

Federal subjects of the Mid-Atrassic states may be classified as either self-governing (suluāritax) or non-self-governing (dhisuluāritax). Chartered concessions and Self-Administered Zones (SAZs) are considered self-governing, as is the Chapatec Free State. Other federal subjects are considered non-self-governing.



[General principles]
[Internal passport system]
In 2033, before consolidation, Governor-General Arolian abolished passport-based travel restrictions in Mid-Atrassic Crona by conciliar order. After consolidation, passport-based residency restrictions were scrapped in favour of increased freedom of movement, though new legal mechanisms were created to allow chartered concessions and i̳ndigenous SAZs to erect migration controls on a local basis.

Some native Cronans hold Kiravian nationality and/or citizenship. Many such people were naturalised in gratitude for their services to the Kiravian military or the civil administration. The Hailstorm Warrior auxiliaries who fought alongside Kiravian forces during the Mountain March are a notable example; having been extended Kiravian nationality by [legislation] and personally sworn in as Kiravian citizens by PE Andrus Candrin in [YEAR].


Human sacrifice was banned by military order in [YEAR] and subsequently reinforced by statutes. However, it is believed that the practice continues illegally on a small scale, mostly in the Southern Department. On the other hand, the General Executive Council has issued guidelines to law enforcement personnel clarifying that animal sacrifice is permitted in the country and should not be interfered with out of respect for i̳ndigenous traditions.

Forced marriage was banned by the Cronan Marriages Order, but this has proven very difficult to enforce. Not only does forced marriage remain widespread among the native population, but there have been reported incidents of marriage by abduction carried out by male settlers against native women.

Capital punishment is dispensed by the MAS government and those of its provinces and traditional jurisdictions. Most executions are public.

For the time being, the Mid-Atrassic judiciary is staffed, financed, and provisioned through the Overseas Justice Administration, an agency under the Kiravian Overseas Governance Executive. Its judges are drawn from the Kiravian federal bench and are paid directly by the KF government, but serve in the Mid-Atrassic courts as a separate and distinct jurisdiction, applying the separate body of MAS law. The Atrassic Crona Governance Act stipulates a five-year process of patriation, after which the MAS will be responsible for maintaining its own court system. The Mid-Atrassic judiciary is currently unitary in structure, though it is expected that it will be decentralised and federalised in the future as the self-governing states attain the capacity to operate trial courts of their own. There is only one level of appellate jurisdiction, the Mid-Atrassic Court of Revision, which has benches in both Divisions and the Chapatec Free State. The Federal Consistory (KF) may hear appeals from the Court of Revision at its discretion.

[Tribal and customary justice - Get woke?]

Public Order, Security, and Defence

The Mid-Atrassic States does not maintain its own armed forces. Defence is the responsibility of the Kiravian Federacy.

Troops of the First Cronan Corps of the Kiravian Army are permanently stationed in Mid-Atrassic States in order to ensure the country's defence against external threats. Additionally, they deter and combat internal security threats such as insurgents of Čikibriki suprematist or Arzalist persuasions, deliver general law enforcement services across most of the country, and provide support to local authorities in the event of civil unrest or public emergency.

Military police units of the KF Territorial Defence Forces rated as 'deployment-ready' are rotated through the Mid-Atrassic States to assist the Kiravian Army in its public order, law enforcement, and internal security roles. These rotations are intended to provide experiential learning and organisational learning to the TDF units involved and increase their readiness for wartime deployment to Crona should such a situation arise in the future.

The Chapatec Free State retains its own defence force, the Chapatec People's Liberation Army, a right which it reserved under the terms of its incorporation into the Mid-Atrassic States. By agreement with the MAS and KF governments, the CPLA's marine unit, the Chapatec People's Liberation Army Navy, serves as a coast guard for the Mid-Atrassic States as a whole, and receives Kiravian government subsidies, surplus matériel, and other aid to assist it in this mission and progressively increase interoperability with the Kiravian Maritime Cutter Service.

Self-Administered Zones and Chartered Territories are permitted to raise and command organised militia subject to regulation by the General Executive Council. Most such jurisdictions also hire their own local police and/or gendarmes. Local 'private' militia unregulated by the state are commonplace in both native and transplant communities due to the recent experience of war and the limitations of the Kiravian Army's ability to provide a rapid response to stochastic threats. The Mid-Atrassic States are a major market for private security contractors, mostly hired by overseas corporations to protect their assets, personnel, and operations in the country.

Processes of Colonisation

[Human Capital Transfer]
The Mid-Atrassic States, with the general exception of the Self-Administered Zones, are the primary beneficiaries of the Human Capital Transfer Programme (Ruvastra Hanplátidherá) operated under the auspices of the Overseas Development Executive.

[Colonisation via land reform]

[Internal resettlement] In the immediate aftermath of the Nanzitolclatl War, Kiravian authorities directed the relocation and resettlement of numerous communities on the territory of the former country under their control. The Overseas Governance Executive officially refers to this policy as "Internal Resettlement" (Yētrix Ōrkurva Trébikorsk) and describes it as "a proactive intervention to permanently resettle and socially reïntegrate internally displaced persons and to defuse ethnic-tribal tensions via the physical clarification of ethnic boundaries." Critics allege that so-called Internal Resettlement was in fact a programme of ethnic cleansing under a thin humanitarian guise, and that its true motive was to consolidate the former Nanzitolclatl civilian population into {wp|bantustan|manageable, homogenous ethnic homelands}} and depopulate strategically and economically valuable pockets of territory for military use and settler colonisation.

The policy of internal resettlement was ended in 2032.

[Social dumping and its consequences]
Critics, e.g. Ğábravik, allege that before the consolidation of the Mid-Atrassic States, the Kiravian administration applied transmigration policies targeting Mid-Atrassic Crona that could be described as "social dumping". These policies are alleged to have involved the recruitment of immigrants to Mid-Atrassic Crona from among the Kiravian working poor and underclass through the use of inexpensive incentives and possibly unethical practices on the part of contracting "emigration agencies". Those pushing the "social dumping" narrative claim that the policy was motivated by territorial avarice, and that its goal was to maximise the Kiravian minority population in Mid-Atrassic Crona as quickly and inexpensively as possible in order to legitimise Kiravian military and political control of the country and justify future interventions. Ğábravik also claims (without evidence) that Kiravian municipal governments such as those of Valēka and Escarda were complicit in implementation of this policy, hoping to offload members of their unhoused community.

[Future: Atrassic Union or piecemeal federalisation?]
The long-term future of the Mid-Atrassic states remains an open question and hotly debated. The future relationship of the Mid-Atrassic States or any successor entity thereto with the Kiravian Federacy will likely be contingent on domestic political developments in Kiravia; however, at the present time full Kiravian withdrawal and unqualified independence are generally considered to not be in the proverbial cards. The two most likely scenarios touted by pundits are "Atrassic Union" - whereunder the Mid-Atrassic States continue to develop as a unified and separate country that will gradually engage in ever-closer economic integration with Kiravia - and "Piecemeal federalisation" - whereunder the Mid-Atrassic States is ultimately a transitional entity from which the better-developed states will be detached over time to become federal subjects of the Kiravian Federacy or take on some other bilateral constitutional status within the Collectivity short of incorporation.

Society and Culture

Ethnic Demography

[Native tribes]

Native peoples of the Northern Division and Free State

Nanzitolclatl was a multiëthnic country, and the Mid-Atrassic states have inherited its ethnic diversity. The largest ethnic groups whose homelands would become fully or partially incorporated into the Mid-Atrassic states after the dissolution of Nanzitolclatl are the Chapatec, the historically privileged Čikibriki, and the Copacaban people. Other native peoples inhabiting the territory in appreciable numbers include the Čapticolani, Čezequaki, Qoptanquatl, Symantek, and Sugondese people. Clear-cut boundaries between ethnic zones were generally absent in Nanzitolclatl, but have hardened since the Deluge as a result of war and instability conducing the territorialisation of ethnic communities, as well as Kiravian policies such as internal resettlement and the designation of self-administered zones to function as ethnostates within the Mid-Atrassic federation. Čikibriki people, previously found all across the country as a dominant minority, are now concentrated mainly near the Northern Division's western border in the Frontier Military District, Rigo Joint Security Area, and Nanzi-Čikibrik SAZ. On the other hand, Chapatec people - whose traditional range corresponds roughly to the boundaries of the Chapatec Free State - expanded their geographic footprint during the Deluge and are now found living in many different provinces.

Native peoples of the Southern Division

Immigrant and minority communities

A small but rapidly growing minority of the population are of Kiravian origin. Setting aside a miniscule number of Kiravian families that had put down roots in Chapatpetl and Copacaban before the Deluge, the Kiravian population are recent arrivals to the Mid-Atrassic States, having come to the country after its predecessor entities came under Kiravian rule in the 2020s and 2030s. Kiravians permanently resident in the Mid-Atrassic states are officially termed 'transplants', and are distinguished from the large number of Kiravian military, administrative, and humanitarian personnel serving in the country, though coördinated KF-MAS policy provides various inducements to encourage such personnel to take up residency in the Mid-Atrassic States after completing their service. [ Settlement Movement ]

Varshani people are an important ethnic minority in the Mid-Atrassic States. Although the ethnic Varshani population of Upper Atrassic Crona saw massive decline after the war, mostly through emigration to League-occupied Varshan, they retain a significant presence in the Southern Department’s larger population centres in the piedmont and wider mountain vales. A smaller population of Varshanis exists in the Northern Department; it is mostly comprised of resettled collaborators and defectors, specially-selected refugees and IDPs, and some former POWs who refused repatriation after the war. Most live in resettlement camps.


Petroglyphic iconography of local paganism

The religious landscape of the Mid-Atrassic States, historically dominated by long-established native belief systems such as Čulčeo and orthodox Arzalism, is presently in flux due to migration, post-Deluge disruptions and developments in Arzalism, and the growing influence of Christianity.

The worship of Xzibit is widespread in the Mid-Atrassic States, extending across multiple religious systems from Culceo to Arzalism. His cult is centred in the town of Ix’xzotil. Another important traditional deity is the Great Lobster, associated with fate, who is revered mainly in coastal communities.

The highland tribes of Upper Atrassic Crona mainly revere weather-related deities, especially the Hail Gods. Worship of these figures was officially prohibited under Varshani rule, but due to the remoteness of mountain tribal communities the prohibition was only rarely enforced. The Hail God Faith has been practiced more openly since liberation and has just begun to be studied by Kiro-Occidental scholars.

Christianity has a long history on the territory of the Mid-Atrassic States, having established a small beachhead in what is now the Chapatec Free State during the 1600s AD. Its subsequent diffusion outside of this area was visible but limited, though it accelerated during the 20th century AD with foreign support and independent missionary activity. The Deluge allowed for a dramatic increase in Christian evangelism, led mostly by Kiravian and international church-affiliated aid organisations carrying out humanitarian and educational work in the country. The Roman Catholic and Insular Apostolic churches are the most active in this regard, with the latter making particularly notable inroads in the less accessible regions of the Southern Department. The Coscivian Orthodox Church and Protestant groups have a smaller missionary presence.

It is believed that between four-hundred and one-thousand Christian Abrigalasts live in the Mid-Atrassic States, with a few Abrigalast families having settled there even before the Deluge.

There are two known mosques in the Mid-Atrassic States, in Anaqua and Amboy City. The Qustanti Sovereign Wealth fund has made some investments in the country.


[Surviving pre-deluge higher ed?] [Canopy schools - mostly in refugee camps and resettlement blocks] [Colonial institutes of higher ed]

The regional normal school in what is now the Chapatec Free State remained in operation during and after the Chapatec War of Independence. New normal schools to train local pedagogues for service in the Northern and Southern Divisions are expected to admit their first students by 2035.


Sagamite is a classic dish served and conserved by most i̳ndigenous peoples of the Mid-Atrassic. The Cronan Health Service has cautioned against the traditional use of animal brains as an ingredient in sagamite, citing concerns over transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, particularly the chronic wasting disease prion circulating in Cronan ungulate populations. Such faucistic missives are universally ignored by native peoples and epicurious Kiravian immigrants alike.

A unique Mediatrassic culinary scene known as "camp cooking" (lérakśor in Coscivian, oztok in Warśani) has emerged among native and displaced populations in places such as refugee camps, resettlement blocks, and development blocks, utilising ingredients drawn from Kiravian food aid combined and prepared in ways that maximise appeal to the i̳ndigenous palate, comport with traditional methods of cooking, and provide a complete nutritional profile. Mediatrassic camp cooking has been compared to ration-based cuisine in the Kiravian Union.


The Mid-Atrassic States have a developing economy. Northeast Crona is the poorest geoschematic region of the world, a legacy of geographic and ecological endowments, Varshani oppression, modern anocracy and extractivism, and the effects of Deluge conflicts. Geographically isolated and politically subjugated for centuries, the mountainous regions constituting the former Upper Atrassic Crona are particularly deprived and face persistent barriers to growth, with their inhabitants living a largely premodern subsistence lifestyle. The current development agenda guiding colonial administration and Kiravian interventions is to accelerate the country’s transition from what is effectively a least developed country to a frontier market capable of attracting at least a modest degree of unfacilitated private investment.

[Canal project]

The currency of the Mid-Atrassic States is the Cronan lira, which is issued by the Atrassic Monetary Commission and pegged to the Kiravian saar, both to ensure stability and simplify accounting for government agencies and Kiravian businesses operating in the Mid-Atrassic, who generally perform their bookkeeping in saars but opt to make local purchases and payroll in lire.

Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries

The main staple crops grown in the Mid-Atrassic states are maize (Zea mays), various species and cultivars of beans (Fabacea benis), and opium poppy (Papaver somniferum).

The foundations for a globally significant acericultural sector to harvest and process maple sugar and maple syrup for export are currently being laid in the Montitoba Territory, as well as in adjacent provinces to a more limited extent. Projections from the Multilateral Coöperation Council Agrifood Development Office suggest that the "syrup belt" of northeast Crona stretching across the northern latitudes of the Mid-Atrassic States and Xisheng could dominate world sugar maple production by the 2050s.

Hemp is known to be cultivated in the Mid-Atrassic States.

The fisheries industry has been the sector of the economy least affected by the wars of the 21st century, remaining a reliable source of employment for coastal communities that has experienced robust growth due to increased domestic demand for seafood from the growing immigrant population. Mediatrassic fisheries have been able to grow their catch to keep up with demand with the help of technology transfer from the advanced Kiravian trawling industry. Marine crustaceans are a particularine important export.

See also