East Kilikas Federacy

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East Kilikas Federacy
Érthikilikatix Rektārka

Suderavia in dark green, Scapa in medium green, Wintergen (disputed) in lime.

Country Kiravian Federacy
Theme Overseas Regions
Capital Xromîda
Largest City Keremonta
Population 5,284,000
Doge Vanner Kexolm (ALUP)
Prime Secretary Kormákur Felaxriv (ALUP)
Legislature House of Keys
Stanora seats 4
Official languages Suderavian Coscivian
Scapalline Coscivian
Recognised languages Fhasen
Kiravic Coscivian
Mainland Coscivian
Postal Abbreviation SUD, SKP, VNG
Time Zone West Levantine Time
Central Levantine Time

The East Kilikas Federacy (Érthikilikatix Rektārka), also known as the Redeemed Bailiwicks (Ādpasimdix Deneþurguya) is an overseas region of the Kiravian Federacy comprising the peninsular province of Suderavia and the island province of Scapa, both located along the northern coast of Levantia on the Kilikas Sea. The island of Wintergen, internationally recognised as an overseas province of Burgundie, is also part of the claimed territory of the East Kilikas Federacy. Along with Ilánova, with which it has strong historic ties, the lands of the Redeemed Bailiwicks are considered one of the cradles of Coscivian civilisation.


The East Kilikas Federacy comprises three discrete territorial units located in extreme northern Levantia, each of which is regarded as a province. Suderavia is a peninsula protruding from the Levantine mainland, sharing a land border with Covina at the Isthmus of Sarávak. Scapa is an island off the north coast of Faneria. Wintergen is located in the Archoibh Islands chain between its two sister islands, Lorem and Ipsum, which belong to Faneria. All parts of the East Kilikas Federacy, as their collective name suggests, are in or on the eastern Kilikas Sea.

Climatic conditions vary somewhat across the three dispersed territorial components of the EKF; however they can be broadly categorised as subpolar oceanic or, in bioclimatic terms, occupying positions on the spectrum between hemiboreal to mesoboreal thermotypes and humid to hyperhumid ombrotypes. In layman's terms, weather throughout the Federacy can be described as cold and miserable.


From prehistory up to the present day, Suderavia has been a nexus of the "Kilikas World" (Kilikafarax ékuviúl), a web of persistent and resilient networks of travel, transmission, and exchange linking the coasts of Faneria, Covina, Koskenkorva, Éorsa (Ilánova), and northeastern Great Kirav. A remote and marginal appendage of the Levantian continent though it is, Suderavia's role in this corner of the world has been nothing short of central.[citation needed]


Recently unearthed evidence demonstrates that the wanderings of the archæic homonin species Homo darudensis passed through modern Suderavia at one point, though the duration of its presence is still quite uncertain. Later, the 'Boreli Culture' H. neanderthalensis population would also extend into the Suderavian peninsula before their extinction circa 0.73 million years BC. The earliest anatomically and behaviourally modern human culture to leave a significant archæological mark on the Redeemed Bailiwick lands, specifically Suderavia, was an outlying branch of the Packer Culture, known among scholars as the 'Green Bay Packers' as the densest concentration of Packer artifacts in Suderavia is found around the Keremonta (Ænglish: "Green Bay"). Flint and bone tools fashioned in the Demomappic style recovered from the surrounding seabed attest to the first ventures of the direct ancestors of Great Kiravians into the vicinity, beginning what would prove to be a long history of this.

Around 6750 BC, during the Neolithic, maritime technology introduced to littoral Kiravia by the Ʒ-Q Culture facilitated a series of multidirectional, outbound seaborne migrations by the sophisticated megalith-building culture of Éorsa. Two westward waves or floes of migration carried the Austro-Kiravian and Trans-Kiravian languages to the Kiravian mainland. Migration by easterly routes during the same period appears to have carried a separate branch of the Trans-Kiravian languages back to the northwestern Levantian lands from whence their Ice Age ancestors had come thousands of years earlier, including Suderavia. In addition to their languages, these voyageurs brought with them a knack and propensity for megalithic ritual architecture, and other characteristic cultural adaptations - the rudiments of the proto-ethnic Coscivian identity. Thus begins the history of the Mainland Coscivians. Later in history, groups of Mainland Coscivians would migrate southward into other parts of Levantia, by sea or over the Isthmus of Sarávak, and would come to inhabit various other countries as settled minorities or itinerant peoples.

Connected to the Vandarch trade network via sheltered ports in Penthrav. This connexion remains significant even in modern times, and it began the process of South Levantine cultural influence on the Old Dominion that would continue over the successive centuries and leave a lasting impact.
At some point the trans-Kilikas trade networks break down and/and the RB regions also cease to have anything particularly valuable to offer for long-range trade, becoming very isolated.

Intermediate Period


By this time, the Empire had long been little more than a symbolic legal fiction and the Emperor only a unifying figure in a broad cultural sense (albeit an important figure). There was nothing resembling a feeling of National solidarity between Kiravians and the people of the Old Dominions. Indeed, from an outside perspective, the denizens of these provinces were thought of in terms of local identities only, simply as quirky, isolated seaside peasants ekeing out a living on the fringes of the continent, mostly indistinct from their Fhainn and Covine neighbours.

This changed when...


Like most overseas provinces, Suderavia would remain loyal to the Federalist government during the Kiravian Civil War. Peasant life on the peninsula was harsh, to be sure, but feudalism had never truly taken root in the agriculturally marginal province. The hardy Suderavian husbandmen were attune to the cruelty and caprice of Nature and did not think themselves victims of injustice resoluble by political action. Suderavia did have a proletariat employed in the mining camps, port towns, and coaling stations, and there was indeed an active trade union movement, but historians believe that the unions in Suderavia had actually been generally successful in addressing workers' concerns to their satisfaction and without violent confrontation. To the Constitutional Convention of 1934 AD, Suderavia was alotted two seats, and returned one deputy off the Agrarian list and one off the Whiggamore list.

Suderavia's involvement with the Civil War was minimal until its closing stages as the major eastern ports fell one by one to the Red Army. Initially few (but some) refugees fleeing the mainland arrived on Keremonta's wharves, with most seeking haven on Ilánova or Koskenkorva instead. However, when these islands came under threat from the Socialist forces, Suderavia found itself taking in more and more refugees and playing host to considerable quantities of evacuated Federalist troops, ships, and matériel. With the eventual loss of Koskenkorva, Suderavia was left in an unenviable position: Far from the nearest Federalist stronghold (Eusa) across dangerous waters, far removed from the main body of Federalist forces who were then fighting on Great Kirav's west coast, and much farther still from the Federalist government-in-exile in Sirana. Thanks to the Wrecking of the Fleet by retreating Federalists, the Red Navy could not threaten Suderavia for the time being. However, Suderavia had been incontrovertibly left to fend for itself - and for nearby defenceless Scapa.


On September 9, 1936, Commodore Palteran III Leonoix, Prime Commissioner ("Commish") Kil Kamban of Suderavia, Chief Torcuil McRaven of Scapa, and Kormákur Bonîver - the town drunk of Karharrak and a fourth-generation descendant of Wintergen expellees chosen[by whom?] to represent Wintergen - signed the Karharrak Compact, which established the South Kilikas Federacy as a wartime provisional government to undertake and direct all activities necessary for defence of the three[1] provinces from external aggression in the absence of effective federal authority. The Compact was then ritually presented to a megalithic Emperor statue half-buried in the woods outside of town for approval.

In 1941, the Kiravian Remnant concluded an agreement with the Ardmori Republic to lease the land on two of the latter's islands for use as military airfields in order to help maintain flights to Suderavia and Scapa, reëstablishing a reliable logistical line between the South Kilikas Federacy and the Remnant.

[Suderavian Missile Crisis]

Once the Remnant acquired long-range/intercontinental ballistic missile capabilities, it set some of those bad boys up on Suderavia and aimed them right at Kartika. The Kiravian Union was, in the words of People's Rocket Force Captain Karl Levi Åbvius, "not amused". This precipitated a deeply unsatisfying international passive-aggressive bitchfest in which no one got nuked in the end.


In the decades since Kiravian reunification, Suderavia's growth and development trajectory has been reliably positive. Unlike many (most) parts of the former Remnant, Suderavia did not experience an economic downturn as a result of reunification, as it had not really gained a position in the Remnant's internal market and production chains that it stood to lose, nor was its economy especially dependent on defence activities and expenditure.[2]


Society and Culture


Traditional East Kilikas cuisine is quite similar to that of neighbouring and nearby regions on the Kilikas. It makes much use of seafood and seabirds.

As Suderavia is not suitable for the cultivation of hops, its inhabitants traditionally used other botanicals, principally spruce and pine buds and heathers. Suderavia shares this tradition with similarly situated regions of Great Kirav, such as the Coscivian Sea coast and Far Northeast. Although hops and beers brewed with hops are now commercially available thanks to trade, Suderavians still have a taste for the olde style, and home-brewed spruce or heather beer is preferred for ceremonial uses, such as betrothals.

Distilled liquor is highly important to the regional diet and to its repertoire of traditional medicine. The standard products are whiskey (inc. its potent derivatives), herbal spirit, and white spirit. Historically, most Suderavian beer was domestically produced as table beer, a soft drink for general nutrition, whereas distilled liquors were the preferred libation for driving and spórvulnar.


Notable East Kilikassi


  1. But really just two
  2. In any event, no military installations in Suderavia faced closure after reunification.