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Kiravian Remnant

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Kiravian Federacy

Kiravix Rektārka
Flag of Kiravix Dispan Kiravian Remnant
of Kiravix Dispan Kiravian Remnant
Coat of arms
Motto: Commie Warship Go Fuck Yourself
Anthem: Federal March
StatusIn exile (211XX – 21185)
Common languagesÆonaran Coscivian, Kiravic Coscivian, Sarolastan languages
GovernmentCrowned asymmetric federal republic (de jure)
Closed anocracy (de facto)
Prime Executive 
• 1935-1962
Séan Kæśek (first)
• 1962-19XX
Eridan Vrixur
• 19XX-19YY
Céiteach mac Cósairta
• 19ZZ-19QQ
Lamar ben-Yākov
LegislatureRump Stanora
Historical eraHigh Modernity
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Kiravian Federacy
Kiravian Federacy
  1. ...

The Kiravian Remnant refers to the continuation of the constitutional government of the Kiravian Federacy as a rump state following the 211XX Kirosocialist takeover of Great Kirav and Sydona and the establishment of the Kiravian Union. From its new seat on the island of Æonara, the Kiravian Remnant claimed to be the legitimate government of all Kiravian lands and retained the loyalty of most Kiravian overseas colonies and protectorates.

During the ensuing period known as the Sunderance, the Kiravian Remnant underwent a process of state-capitalist economic development and modernisation, as well as a series of political evolutions in response both internal and external changes. However, political life throughout the Remnant era was thoroughly dominated by the Renaissance Party under the leadership of Prime Executive Séan Kæśek and his successors.

In 21185, following a political and economic crisis on the mainland, the Federalist government returned to power and the nation was reunified, ending the Remnant era.


The history of the Kiravian Remnant begins with the defeat of the Farravonian Counterrevolution, resulting in the Federalists losing their last remaining territories on Great Kirav.

Loss of Koskenkorva

Following the eviction of anti-communist forces from the Mainland, the Federalists were forced to confront an untenable strategic reality in Koskenkorva. The large island was a loyalist stronghold and had previously been prized by Federalist planners as a base from which to press the Socialists and a staging area for a future reconquest of the populous eastern seaboard of Great Kirav.

Territorial Extent

Those territories that remained under Federalist control after the loss of Farravonia formed the Kiravian Remnant, officially designated as the Free Area of the Kiravian Federacy (Helvisarna Kiravix Rektārká). Areas held at the beginning of the Remnant but lost before the Restoration are marked in italics.

In addition, the Kiravian Remnant continued the Kiravian claim to the disputed island Wintergen, which has been administered by Burgundie since 1823 AD.

Politics and Governance

The Kiravian Remnant claimed authority from the Constitution of the Kiravian Federacy as it stood written on [Phase] [Month], 211XX, remaining a crowned, asymmetric federal republic ruling in the name of the Basswood Emperor, just as it had been on the mainland. However, in order to address the challenges of exile, the government took various liberties in its interpretation and application of constitutional law, and made extensive use of emergency measures and transitional provisions to circumvent constitutional impediments.

The exact configuration of the government varied over time as it adapted to new and changing conditions on Æonara. Moreover, how the government functioned in practice was often quite different to what was claimed on paper, with some political scientists describing the Remnant as a military dictatorship or a closed anocracy for certain periods during the exile. More charitable analyses have characterised the Remnant as a managed democracy.

The Renaissance Party dominated political life in the Remnant for its duration, with minority parties subordinated to the RP as part of the National Reunification Front. Parties outside of the National Reunification Front were barred from entering politics in 211XV by a temporary constitutional amendment ratified ahead of the first Stanora election in exile. These restrictions were lifted in 211XW. Other parties in the NRF included the Christian Democratic Party, the United Agrarian Party, and the Social Democrats of the Kiravian Federacy, represented by Soran Akēvarin. Even during the period of single-party rule, contentious politics persisted, and factional struggles within the Renaissance Party had a major role in charting the course of public policy. The main divisions within the RP were between the “movement Renaissance Men” who stayed close to the path laid out by V.R. Sarosten and Séan Kæśek, the traditionalist-conservative “Old Right” composed mainly of local Æonarans (especially United Empire Loyalists), and the Restarkist-influenced United Allegiance Society.

The federal nature of the state was retained in exile. However, at least with respect to the administration of Æonara, power became much more centralised in the federal government than it had previously been, while many of the more peripheral colonies became essentially self-governing during this time.

One of the liberties taken with constitutional interpretation during the exile was the creation of “federal subjects” that were non-territorial in nature or had only a very limited and patently contrived territory, in order to afford presidential appointees and minority coalition factions representation in the rump Stanora and Federal Council.

Domestic Policy

Social Policy

Coming to terms with the reality that a foreign-backed reconquest of Great Kirav was not to be in the near future and that its exile was to be long-term, the Remnant government under Kæśek proceeded to implement what have been retrospectively referred to as "defencive reforms" (adèktivix ōrtiorthir) or "preëmptive reforms" (ápidutrax ōrtiorthir) intended to shore up the social and territorial stability of the Kiravian Remnant by preëmpting social questions and popular grievances that might provide fuel for socialist or secessionist revolutions if left unaddressed. Policies later described as preëmptively reformist in nature include:

  • Social insurance - Tax-funded social insurance programmes were enacted in order to give workers a sense of security to increase productivity and blunt the appeal of socialism.
  • Healthcare -
  • Native Relief - The Sarolasta Reform Act created a formal process for mestiço and Coscivised Polynesian communities in Sarolasta to be legally and ritually recognised as part of the Coscivian meta-ethnicity, and also removed legal disabilities for the unassimilated Polynesian population. The 1949 Cronite Civil Status Act (Atrassica) promoted taxpaying Massapíkva and Minnéola from Subjects of the Land to metics (vôvodin) eligible to apply for full citizenship (and subject to conscription), and extended Kiravian nationality to non-taxpaying aboriginals domiciled on the reserves. The patois people of Seváronsa were declared Coscivians by a Collegial decree invoking Imperial authority in 1947.
  • Women's Suffrage - The federal ballot was opened to women in [YEAR] and the Kiravian Women's Party was admitted to the National Reunification Front. States were bullied into giving women the vote within the next year or so.

Land Reform

Land reform in the Kiravian Remnant was ideologically justified by the incorporation of Georgist economic theories into the platform of the ruling Renaissance Party and was further conditioned by the distributist ideals of its junior partner, the Christian Democrats. Politically, it faced opposition from elements of the Kiravian Old Right and the United Empire Loyalists on Æonara, but the laws were forced through by Séan Kæśek during the period of martial law and were eventually accepted as fait accompli after the end of martial law once permanent compensation funds were established.

Cultural policy

The twin deculturalising forces of Marxism and economism threaten to divide us. The international culture of the Menquoi is strong while we are weak ... Ideological and cultural fields are our main targets.

— S.D. Díraśakuvin, Address to the 1944 plenary congress of the Renaissance Party

Historians of a constructivist persuasion posit that the Kiravian Remnant understood itself as the last bastion of pure, authentic Coscivian civilisation and behaved accordingly, adopting policies to preserve the heritage and distinctive mores of Coscivian culture, adapt Coscivian culture to survive and thrive in diaspora and modernity, and reïnforce it against both Marxism and hegemonic Occidentalisation. These policies were tempered by the reality of the Remnant's situation: Strict cultural conservation took a backseat to the state-driven bureaucratic modernisation and engagement with Occidental allies that the Remnant needed to undertake in order to survive, resulting in a mild-to-moderate degree of convergence with Occidental-international society. Still, the Remnant's leaders saw maintaining cultural and identitary continuity as key pillar of their mission and are regarded as having successfully balanced respect for Coscivian traditional culture with their own brand of Coscivian modernism.

Reactionary modernism.

Coscivian complementarism


It was during the Sunderance that household registration (thramdastraterion) became effectively universal and compulsory in Kiravia, both the Remnant and the Union. The Remnant government would come to rely on household registries to make its populace legible for all manner of administrative purposes, including the judiciary (jury selection), military conscription, and economic planning. Émigrés and their descendants were encouraged to retain their original registered domicile in provinces lost to the Remnant, and exiled provincial governments continued to act as registrars. The Lieutenant Executive for Mainland Affairs under the Reunification Executive maintained registries on behalf of provinces with no functioning government-in-exile.

National Service

From the outset, the Kiravian Remnant practised comprehensive military conscription of able-bodied male citizens and metics[1] in order to maximise its military manpower for the purposes of deterring aggression against its remaining territorial holdings and maintaining a credible capability of retaking the Mainland. Upon the completion of their service term, conscripts were automatically transferred to reserve units, either their provincial militia (predecessors of the Territorial Defence Forces) or the Federal Reserve. In the earlier decades of the Sunderance, reservists could expect to be called up for periodic drills or put on alert in moments of heightened defencive readiness, but this became less and less frequent as time went on and the Remnant's security position stabilised.

In 1937 the Remnant rolled out a National Service system modelled on that of its neighbour, the Cape. The National Service Act an subsequent amendments thereto up to 1943 would widen the burden of national service beyond able-bodied men, and widen the range of roles beyond military service to include emergency services and civil defence, public works, education, and healthcare. In addition to helping ensure adequate staffing for labour-intensive public services, it was hoped that National Service would enhance social cohesion by fostering a sense of national unity and shared purpose. Civilian NS roles were assigned mainly to unmarried women, widowed fathers and only sons, and men medically unfit for military service. A small number of conscientious objectors, mainly Mountain Quakers and Abrigalasts, were also diverted to civilian service. Persons convicted of evading National Service or deserting from civilian service roles faced prison terms of up to three lunar years. Penalties for desertion from military service were much more severe. The 1937 Act made eligibility for many public benefits contingent upon successful completion or valid exemption/honourable early discharge from National Service; in addition to the applicable penalties and reduced access to benefits, those without such certification often faced discrimination in housing, employment, and other areas.

External Relations

Relations with the Kiravian Union

See: Kiravian Sunderance

Both the Kiravian Remnant and Kiravian Union claimed to be the sole legitimate government of all Kiravian lands, and as such neither government recognised the other. After an initial period of rejecting all contact with one another, the two governments quietly established lines of regular informal communication beginning in 19XX, mostly through intermediary countries such as The Cape?.

Foreign Relations

The foreign policy of the Kiravian Remnant was directed toward the régime’s core goals of ensuring its own independent survival and maintaining widespread recognition as the legitimate Kiravian government.

Relations were particularly strong between the Remnant and its South Cronan neighbours, such as the Cape and Paulastra (with which it shared a common Coscivian heritage) and the strongly anti-communist Arcerion and Alstin. Great care was also taken to maintain good relations with preëminent world powers Urcea and Caphiria.

The Remnant made anti-communism a core plank of its political rhetoric and foreign policy, and as such took a hostile stance towards revolutionary socialist governments in Carna, Kloistan, and elsewhere.

[League of Nations?]

Society and Culture

After the stabilisation of its boundaries in Sydona by the 1968 Marmasse Protocol, the population living under the Remnant numbered approximately XX million, with a strong plurality of this number concentrated in Æonara and the largest shares of the remainder in Kiravian Cusinaut and Catenias.

The population of Æonara and the other remaining island colonies (except for Sarolasta) was overwhelmingly Coscivian, with small preëxisting minorities of indigenous Cronans and Lusonic people. Scapa was predominantly Celtic, and there was a strong Celtic element in Èusa as well, and along with the Republic of Ardmore these areas absorbed most Celtic anti-communist émigrés, though some settled in Cusinaut, Atrassica, or Æonara, particularly the upland regions of West and North Æonara. Small émigré communities of Kópistonians, Érhuans, Skithanawites, Exoésans, and Wastani settled in Æonara, Atrassica, or Suderavia, and a small number of Urom, mostly military or members of Catholic anti-communist militia evacuated from Farravonia, arrived as well.

The population of Sarolasta was mainly of mixed native Polynesian and Coscivian settler ancestry to varying degrees (see Demography of Sarolasta). To ensure political stability on those islands, the Sarolasta Reform Act was passed to allow mixed and assimilated Polynesian communities to be formally recognised as Coscivians and improve the legal status of the unassimilated native population.

The preëxisting Coscivian population of the Free Area was mainly Æonaran and Umcaran (in Æonara), Kir (throughout the island colonies and Cusinaut), Èusan (in Èusa), Suderavian (in Sudaravia), and Austral Coscivians (in loyalist strongholds of Sydona). A large number of Austral Coscivians fled the Sydonan Civil War and the Sydonan People's Republic for the southern Krasoa Islands. The emigré population was much more diverse: Although Kir people accounted for a plurality, a great many Farravonian Coscivians, Ensciryan Coscivians, Eshavian Coscivians, and a smattering of smaller groups fled to the Remnant as well. South Coscivians and Kalvertan Coscivians fleeing the Kiravian Union mostly relocated to Caphiria and Cartadania. In Æonara the "Mainlanders" came to form a distinct social group, settling mainly in the Sirana metropolitan area or the lúaśad uplands and using Kiravic or West Coast Marine Coscivian as their main languages for social interaction.

There was a considerable Muslim contingent within the military evacuee and emigrant communities, as most Muslim communities in Great Kirav were strong opponents of Kirosocialism and many were members of/fighters for the Renaissance Party or its Islamic auxiliary. Many of these émigrés settled in Prevarda and wider County Voneın. Krasoa and Sarolasta had significant preëxisting Muslim communities.


The Kiravian Remnant had a capitalist economy, albeit with a high degree of state involvement in economic planning and considerable state-corporate collusion. Most industrial growth was concentrated in Æonara and Rovaīon.

The economic development of the Remnant territories was made possible by massive capital flight from the Kiravian Mainland to banks in Caphiria, Pribraltar, and the Remnant itself. The Federalist government approached economic development in its remaining lands as a greenfield project into which fugitive capital could be put directly towards the development of new and profitable industries. Captains of Kiravian industry, finance, and government planning closely studied the state-led industrialisation and development of the neighbouring Cape as a model, and emulated it in many respects, especially as regards the manufacturing sector, but also retained the more open-market institutional legacy of the prewar Kiravian Fedaracy which it had inherited.


See Also

  1. Kiravian nationals without household registration were not subject to conscription. Nationals with household registration were exempt if they held active Capetian or Caphirian citizenship (even if residing in the Free Area). Visiting expatriates with household registration were not to be conscripted unless they had previously resided in the Free Area for five lunar years or more. These limitations were in place to maintain good relations with the Kiravian diaspora, crucial to the Remnant's economic and diplomatic strategies.