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==Cadence of colonization==
==Cadence of colonization==
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Latest revision as of 16:40, 7 November 2023

Royal Bourgondi Trade Company colonies should be based on the Spanish model with a viceroy. Martillien North Levantine Trading Company colonies should be administered like the Dutch in Java. Colonies of the Marialanii Ularien Trading Company should be administered like the French with white only administration all the way down.

Draft: to ensure consistency in the lore, this is all copy pasted from other places and does not constitute new work worthy of consideration by the IxWiki:OOL at this juncture.


Cadence of colonization

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Kiravian explorers were the first "occidentals" to make contact with the peoples of modern Rusana however from their introduction in the 1500s to the establishment of the Martillian Protectorate over the Kingdom of Lakadu it was often overlooked compared to the riches of Corumm. The Ularien Trading Company of Martilles first established contact with the Kingdom of Lakadu in 1616. With Kiravias well established trade with Corumm for far eastern goods the Martilliens negotiated a treaty with the Lakadui to secure ports at first for raiding Kiravian shipping as it passed westerward, laden with Corummese goods but eventually the privateers sought more. They obverved the resentments that the Lakadui held for their neighbors in Barpubad and offered to supply them with mercenaries and to instruct their armies in the lessons learned from the Great Confessional War. Throughout the 1620s and 30s the Lakadui and Barpubadi clashed in minor skirmishes in which the Lakadui became increasingly victorious. While the Levantines did not offer a superiour military product their doctrine of war was so foreign to that part of the world that it proved shocking to the Barpubadi. In a series of violent battles the Lakadui made massive gains into the islands south of Barpubad's coast. These islands long contested between Barpubad and Corumm were captured and an emissary was dispatched to the Emperor's court and a back to the King in Lakadu. In a master stroke the Martillien mercenaries sold the inner ring of islands to Corumm and formally opened relations with that nation, and also demonstrated to the King of Lakadu what could be achieved if he remanded more power to the Martilliens. In this masterstroke the Martilliens secured their future in the region and became friendly with the greatest power in Alshar, Corumm. Whereas the Kiravians were merely traders, the Martilliens offered concrete results to the Imperial Corummese Court. In 1650, the Kingdom of Lakadu was formalized as a protectorate of the Duchy of Martilles. This was only possible by brokering a treaty with the Corummese Court that recognized its sovereignty and promised to support Corumm in the event of an invasion from Barpudad, Ghanim, or the as yet unexplored Tanhai. For as long as the southeast coast Levantines maintained colonies in the area they respected this treaty, one of the only in that time.

With the Great Slavery Revolt on the western shores of Alshar the various colonial administrators had to make a choice as the revolt became a full-scale war, one that the Levantine colonists were losing badly. Would they cast their lot in with their fellow colonists, draining the defensive resources from their own colonies, ignore the plight of their brethren, try to balance both, or abandon their colonial ambitions altogether. The viceroy of Pyrithi Colony attempted to find a balance.


Administered as part of the Ayermer Colony with parts of mainland Rusana from 1616 - ???? by the Ularien Trading Company, which was renamed the Marialanii Ularien Trading Company in 1705. After the Marialanii Ularien Trading Company lost the mainland provinces in the 1800s it maintained the island of Ayermer as a trading post and as a part of La Garrote to control trade and fight piracy in the Puhktun Sea. This primarily impacted Corummese trading traversing westerly.


"Western" contact (16th century)

Kanan trade with "Western" states began after contact with Kiravians in the 15th century. Kiravians came to the Gulf of Kandara in the late 15th century to trade, then established small trading ports, focused on the extensive availability of gold. The Kiravians built a trading lodge at a coastal settlement called Bisoor, in the Kingdom of Sooli.

By 1598, the Burgundian West Punth Trading Company (BWPTC) had joined the Kiravians in gold trading, establishing the Burgundian Guldkusten. In 1600, the BWPTC captured the castle at Bisoor from the Kiravians, and the port of Kandoor in 1603. In 1604, Jarl II, of Burgundie commissioned Kandoor Castle, which was completed in three years.

More than thirty forts and castles were built by the Kiravians and the Burgundian West Punth Trading Company. In 1611, the BWPTC established control over some parts of the country assigning these areas the name Protectorate of the Kingdom of Kandoora. Many military engagements occurred between the BWPTC and the various Kanan nation-states and the Kingdom of Santasi defeated the Burgundians twice in the Kandoori-Santasi wars that lasted for nearly 200 years. These successes are attributed to the birth of the idea of independence which ultimately led to the Great Rebellion of Slavery Bay.

The Pukhtun PPSN, that was already established in the Kandooli states, resented the new arrivals but for the most part remained in the shadows guiding the Kanan tribes and states to fight for them. They would raid Kiravian and Burgundian ships while local tribal collaborators would raid their settlements. For a long time the new arrivals suspected that the Kanans were supported by outside forces but they never knew who until PPSN openly fought together with the Santasi in the Great Rebellion of Slavers Bay.

Kandoori-Fana wars and slaving

Burgundian West Punth Trading Company goes to war with neighboring tribes, takes slaves, encourages Kandoora to do the same, expands lands of Kandoora, the BWPTC takes over Kiravian territory and renames it Slavers Coast, defeats the Santasi Coalition Army and takes Santasi (Colony of Santasi). The leadership of Santasi flea to the neighboring Kingdom of Fana and continue to fight and stir up rebellion.

ALL SORTS OF Doctrine of lapse and patroonships

Great Rebellion of Slavery Bay

On 6 March 1757 at the capital of the Kingdom of Fana, Fanoor, the King-in-exile of Santasi, raises a Third Coalition Army and prepares to wage a "Final War" to push the Burgundian West Punth Trading Company out of southern Punth. Having realized the failure of many of his ancestors, he recruitS as many Kanans from Kandoor as he can and promises them a free state under local control if they get the nation to rise against the Burgundians. They infiltrate into Kandoor and begin to stir up the local population.

In 1761, the Pukhtun Piracy and Smuggling Network (PPSN) joined the cause. The PPSN had always seen the Burgundian West Punth Trading Company as an unwelcome law enforcement presence into the region, which had cut into their profits heavily. The Santasi's and the leaders of the PPSN formed a pact whereby the Santsi Third Coalition Army would attack the Burgundian colonial infrastructure from the land and the PPSN would cut off the resupply routes in the Omnus Sea. In return the Santasi would transfer power over Foreign Affairs and Defence to PPSN. They formed a very close bond in the years to come.

In the 1760s and 1770s a series of pitched sea battles took place, eventually ending in the utter defeat of the Burgundian West Punth Trading Company's navy. The colony was cut off. From 1778-1795 not a single resupply was attempted and the colonial administration was left to their own devices. A series of attempts to get the Fiannrian government to intervene on the BWPTC's behalf were declined.

In 1790, the King of Santasi had reclaimed most of the Kandooli states, with the exception of Kandooli. Ever grateful he reached out to the PPSN for aid. They sent 8,000 Pukhtun mercenaries. They made short work of the rest of the state, but failed to capture Kandoor. A siege was put in place that encircled the city. After two years the city finally fell and in January the last of the Burgundians in Kandoor were captured and killed.



The Burgundian West Punth Trading Company first arrived in the area of Bohra and Mazdastan in 1607 and established a factory along what would become the Verdant Coast. This factory was primarily for the purchase and export of tea and tisanes but also engaged in slavery, primarily from those of Mongolic ethnic origin from the Khanates. In 1611, Mazdastan became a protectorate as the protestants sympathized with the suppressed minority. Following the Khandharan Succession War from 1614-1619, the Burgundian West Punth Trading Company took direct control of much of the central and northern parts of the empire, including Bohra. Mazdastan remained an semi-autonomous protectorate until the Presidency Act of 1771 at which point it was assumed into the Pukhtunkhwan Burgundie.

Company rule

Main article: Burgundian West Punth Trading Company

From its conquest in 1616 until the Presidency Act of 1771, Bohra was part of the Occidental Punth Colony with lands from modern day Kagazi and Khatosthan. Due in large part to its open intellectual society this area was treated as an extension of the Isle of Burgundie and strong bonds were formed between the Bergendii and the Khandharan and Pukhtunkhwan people. The area tea industry boomed as organized and early industrial methods were married with traditional methods and techniques. The colonial capital of Omsalgi was, in the 17th century the largest and most densely populated metropolis in Alshar. The industrious nature of the extant merchant class meant that company rule was particularly hands off. With the exception of the introduction and investment in early industrialized methods of cultivation and manufacture, the Levantines, Khandharans and Pukhtunkhwans remained uninvolved in each other’s business affairs. The native populations cultivated and the company handled the export of goods and slaves.

In the protectorate of Mazdastan the company remained uninvolved except to collect tribute and enforce the sovereignty of the state. This meant that aside from company soldiers, no Levantines spent considerable amounts of time in the protectorate. This led to a sense of independence in Mazdastan that would later come to blows the post-independence period. Mazdastan focused its efforts on manufacturing with a planned economy guided by its governing council. They became particularly adept in the firearms manufacturing industry. Due to the concern over unrest and rebellion, the Burgundian West Punth Trading Company imposed a monopoly on the sale of Mazdastani firearms. The company started their monopoly with an order for 600 Jezzails, Mazdastani muskets, in 1703, with a list of specifics. This is considered the first time in Burgundian history that fire arms were standardized for military issue. Upon receipt of the muskets in 1705, another order was placed for 1500 more. This relationship expanded until 1795. It is assumed that by 1749 4 in 7 company musketeers were using Jezzails. As a result the Mazdastani ruling class were hardly surprised that the Presidency Act of 1771 assumed them into the Pukhtunkhwan Burgundie Presidency as they had become so vital. Resistance to the move was primarily expressed through strikes and work slowdowns, however in 1773 the whole of the presidency was forced to recognize Zoroastrianism as their second official religion and religious persecution was outlawed. This angered many Shia leaders as they saw it as a way to embolden the peasant farmers to keep the middle class occupied as the Bergendii tightened their control of the region.

Great Rebellion of Slavery Bay

Joining the Great Rebellion of Slavery Bay in 1798, the Pukhtunkhwan Burgundie Presidency Muslims sought to both push the company out of Alshar and also to reinstate Shia as the sole religion of the region. The Mazdastanis remained loyal to the company but were overwhelmed by the sheer number of Shia troops. They were formed into the Puhkgoignesc Gorkha Rifles in 1805 and became a unit of the Burgundian Foreign Legion in 1811 after the fall of the Pukhtunkhwan Burgundie Presidency.


Eloillette colony was a colonial holding administered by the Burgoignesc North Levantine Trading Company? on the western coast of Alshar from 1526 until 1795 at which point the Great Rebellion of Slavery Bay overwhelmed the colony forcing its end and the expulsion of the Occidentals living within it.

The first Burgoignesc permanent settlement in the area of Eloillette was a factory in modern-day Durvud, called Port d'Ostroise, in the Burgoignesc language, in 1526. Port d'Ostroise had become a massive hub for the export of Eloillettien cotton and sugar by the 1600s. The Duchy of Bourgondia and the Principality of Faramount expanded their presence in the area following the conclusion of the Great Confessional War by awarding Patroonships to loyal Catholic vassals. These patroonships in the 1610s constitute the first formal colonization of modern Eloillette by Levantines.

Silver Mining

In the 1630s silver was discovered in the east and a rapid expansion took the small, coastal settlements deep into the heartland. The silver mining villages were sprawling, under-policed, and full of people of all ethnicities and origins. It also raised the colony's profile and ultimately led to its demise. Accounting was rudimentary at best, and corruption and theft were commonplace. Based on modern geographical estimates only about 57% of the silver mined in Eloillette made its way to Levantia through official channels. The Duchy of Bourgondi bought out the Principality of Faramount's colonial shares and started a desperate and authoritarian effort to extract all of the silver from Eloillette. This caused massive inflation in the Duchy of Bourgondi as massive amounts of silver poured in in the late 1680s through 1720s. The 40-year period of inflation weakened the Occidental purchasing power of the Duchy of Bourgondi but saw massive investment in its colonial empire as it tried to spread out the silver to reduce inflation.


Company rule The region now known as Oyashima and its fragmented states came under the gradual sway of the Burgoignesc Kandahar-Kandara Trading Company. The entire area was reorganized as the "Far East Colony".

Following the abandonment of the colony in 1817 by the Burgoignesc Kandahar-Kandara Trading Company


Cadence of colonization

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Early modern era

Starting with the fall of the Oduniyyad Caliphate in 1517 and lasting until the expulsion of the Marialanii Ularien Trading Company in 1836 and the Bourgondii Royal Trading Company in 1842, the early modern era in Battganuur was characterized by rapid development, and unprecedented resource and human exploitation.


The Bourgondii Royal Trading Company first arrived in the area in 1577.


Early modern era

Starting with the fall of the Oduniyyad Caliphate in 1517 and lasting until the expulsion of the Marialanii Ularien Trading Company in 1836, the early modern era in Yanuban was characterized by low-scale tribal warfare as various sheikhs jockeyed for power followed by massive levels of colonization. After the collapse, the Oduniyyad magistrate continued to rule as a local king until 1553. Following his death the sheikhs and emirs of the area fell upon each other each claiming the thrown. Their form of tribal warfare was more ceremonial than fatal but still kept the peoples from uniting when faced with western colonial efforts.


The Ularien Trading Company first arrived in the area in 1635 and established a series of timber factories along the coast. In 1653 the Colony of Majanub was formed and the Ghafiri Protectorate was established with the al-Ghafir family. By 1657 the Ularien Trading Company had supplanted all of the other nation’s colonies in the area and helped the Ghafiris to conquer much of the southern part of the modern country. Through the Doctrine of Lapse the Marialanii Ularien Trading Company assumed direct control over the Ghafiri Protectorate in 1763 and as part of the Presidency Act of 1771 made the whole of its claims in the area into the Majanub Presidency.

Company rule

Main article: Marialanii Ularien Trading Company

Divided into 17 tribal states primarily under the Majanub Presidency, the modern area of Yanuban was a minor possession of the Marialanii Ularien Trading Company. This means that it was not subjected to the same level of cultural colonization and proselytizing as other parts of the Marialanii Ularien Trading Empire. The small administrative class of Levantine Protestants where happy to focus their rule in the few moderately sized cities that they built for themselves. This laissez-faire approach maintained much of the traditional values and practices of the area with the colonial administrators only getting involved in tax collection disputes.

Many Yanubanis barely knew they were even under colonial rule as the tax collecting was subcontracted out to tribal leaders so as to diminish the need for a large costly colonial government. Due to its resource potential being mostly timber-based with some fishing, and rubber cultivation, Majanub was primarily focused on supplying the hotter less densely wooded colonies in the north. The few international exports it did have were routed through the Legatation of Ankivara before being either sold in Sarpedon or forwarded to Crona and Levantia.


Cadence of colonization

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Cadence of colonization

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Cadence of colonization

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Cadence of colonization

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Cadence of colonization