Saint Kennera & Pribraltar

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Saint Kennera

Flag of St. Kennera

Flag of Pribraltar

Sovereign Kiravian Federacy
Capital Port St. Kennera Hāverma
Population 365,000 485,000
Prime Executive Piran Idaltuv (CPPSK) Visikur Hôsiverin (PRP)
Prime Secretary Arrhenius Vander (CPPSK) Diarmuid Arden (PFP)
Legislature Auditorium Auditorium
Stanora seats 1 (votes only in committee) 1 (votes only in committee)
Official languages Kiravic Coscivian
St. Kenneran Coscivian
Kilikas-Valēkas Coscivian
Kiravic Coscivian
Postal Abbreviation SKA PRB
Time Zone Sirana Time

Saint Kennera and Pribraltar are associated states of the Kiravian Federacy comprising a pair of islands of the same name at the boundary of the southern Odoneru Ocean and the Taínean Sea, off the coast of Santarém State, Cartadania. Occupying a strategic position for international shipping, the islands have changed hands many times over the course of their history, and have a rich heritage incorporating numerous cultural influences. Despite differing demographic profiles and economic trajectories, the two islands have a close historical, cultural, political, and economic relationship with one another.

People from Saint Kennera are called Saint Kennerans, while people from Pribraltar are called Pribraltari̳ans.


Both Saint Kennera and Pribraltar mainly have a tropical monsoon climate, and the natural vegetation of much of the islands' surface area is tropical forest. Some of the higher-altitude interior areas, known as 'the Uplands' or 'the Heights', have a humid subtropical highland climate.


[Nuke and repave]

Governance and Politics

Saint Kennera and Pribraltar are both semi-presidential republics with nearly identical constitutions modelled on those of the Kiravian states of Cascada, Ilfenóra, Metrea, and Umcara. Each island has a government directed by an Executive College (Vekturixóstrev), which is appointed by a Prime Executive but accountable to both the Prime Executive and the Prime Secretary, the latter of which is chosen by the majority caucus in the legislature. The Prime Executive of each island state is elected every five years by alternative vote, and their legislatures, both known as the Auditorium (Válora), are elected every three years through a parallel voting system.

Cabinet Secretariat building, Hāverma
Cabinet Secretariat Building in Port St. Kennera

Political status

Both Saint Kennera and Pribraltar are, in their own respective rights, self-governing associated states of the Kiravian Federacy. The islands' relationship with the Kiravian federal government is structured by a series of tripartite treaties and memoranda adopted after the islands were liberated from (((occupying nation))), and continues to evolve as a result of political developments in the islands and in Kartika. The Government of the Kiravian Federacy is responsible for Saint Kennera and Pribraltar's defence and foreign affairs, their postal system (through the Federal Post), banking insurance, and telecommunications infrastructure. The Federal Consistory in Kartika is the ultimate court of appeal for cases originating from the islands' judicial systems, and incarcerated convicts sentenced by St. Kenneran or Pribraltarian courts with exceptional security or health needs are held in Kiravian federal prisons. [other stuff here] Most St. Kennerans and Pribraltarians hold or are eligible for Kiravian passports by virtue of their Kiravian National (Overseas) status. The controlling statute involved is the Overseas Nationality Act (St. Kennera & Pribraltar). Thus, St. Kenneran and Pribraltarian citizens are Kiravian nationals, but most are only citizens of St. Kennera and/or[1] Pribraltar. That being said, a significant number of St. Kennerans and Pribraltarians do hold Kiravian citizenship on an individual basis, having been naturalised in the Federacy or born to full Kiravian citizen parents.

Under the terms of the Treaty of Hāverma, signed by the Prime Executives of St. Kennera and Pribraltar shortly after [EVENT], the two Commonwealths agreed that any changes in their constitutional relationship to the Kiravian Federacy (e.g. accession to the Federacy, free association, or independence) would be made in tandem. This treaty has caused widespread dissatisfaction on St. Kennera, as the ruling Coscivian People's Party and over 80% of St. Kennerans support becoming a Kiravian state, whereas the Pribraltarian legislature and electorate are more divided on the issue. At present, St. Kennera and Pribraltar are together formally outside of the Kiravian Main Customs Area, though the St. Kenneran government has, on its own initiative, fully harmonised its own customs laws with those of Kiravia and is working towards a bilateral agreement with the Federacy concerning the island's migration policy. Pribraltar maintains its own separate customs and migration policies.

Both island states are represented in the Kiravian Stanora by one elected Delegate each, but these Delegates can only vote in committee and are barred from membership in certain key committees.

Politics (Pribraltar)

Party Name Válora Seats Federal Caucus Platform
People's Republican Party
Plānokéaritax Plaiduv
10 / 30
FRA Conservatism, Shaftonist democracy, Coscivian nationalism, Pro-statehood
Pribraltar Freedom Party
Plaiduv Helvikorsk Pribraltarsk
9 / 30
RKC Liberal conservatism, Economic liberalism, Pro-status quo
Pribraltarian Libertarian Party
Pribraltarix Libertarisēx Plaiduv
6 / 30
KFA Libertarian conservatism, Localism, Pro-free association
Convist Party of the Pribraltarian People's Republic
Konvirisēx Plaiduv Pribraltarix Planúkéaritá
3 / 30
PDF Kirosocialism, Social democracy, Left-wing nationalism, Pro-status quo
Union of Christian Democrats
Thūra Xristokéaritarisēskya
2 / 30
CSU Christian democracy, Neo-Shaftonism, Pro-statehood
Party for Cronan Integration
Plaiduv Kronadax Ēglédikorō
0 / 30
UDI Conservative liberalism, Pan-Cronanism, pro-Cronan integration
Party of Pribraltarian Democrats
Plaiduv Pribraltarix Déruārkatrisēskya
0 / 30
PKD Centrism, Pragmatism, Pro-status quo

The main split in the partisan-political landscape on Pribraltar is over the island's future political status. The People's Republican Party and Union of Christian Democrats seek admission to the Kiravian Federacy as a full overseas state, though the PRP has downplayed this plank of its platform somewhat as the island's economy has developed. The PRP draws support mainly from upper-middle class native-born Pribraltarians educated in Kiravia, the Umcaran and Æonaran Coscivian communities, those parts of the business sector doing direct business with Kiravia, and those employed in the defence industry, as well as much of the lower middle class and those with strong right-wing or Coscivian nationalist inclinations. The UCD, which is most resolutely pro-statehood, originally had especially devout Catholic and Apostolic Christians as its core constituency, but has expanded to count Pribraltar residents of Saint Kenneran origin, who are ardently pro-statehood, as its largest voter bloc.

The Pribraltar Freedom Party is more economically liberal, fiscally conservative, and socially moderate than the PRP and supports maintaining Pribraltar's status quo vis-a-vis the Kiravian Federacy, which it believes is to the island's benefit by allowing it to earn revenue as a tax, finance, and registration haven and reëxport hub. Nonetheless, there is a growing tendency within the PFP that leans toward lessening integration with Kiravia while not altering the fundamental nature of the relationship. The Pribraltarian Libertarian Party is libertarian-conservative and supports affirmatively moving towards an unambiguous relationship of free association with the Kiravian Federacy. The PFP and PLP run on a joint list, the PFLP List, and have overlapping bases of support, being most strongly supported by Kiravian-born persons living in Pribraltar, much of the upper-middle class (especially those not educated in Great Kirav), and those parts of the business sector mainly serving foreign clients, as well as the Lusophone community. The PLP holds special appeal for the upper class and many native Pribraltarians with strong localist inclinations.

The CPPPR mainly represents the interests of the working class against the generally pro-business PRP and PFLP. It is internally divided between a more hardline Convist and Kirosocialist camp and a more moderate Kiro-social-democratic camp. Its strongest supporters are dockworkers, maritime and construction workers, service workers, and those on public assistance. Many people of Capetian and Sydonan origin support the CPPPR. The CPPPR has officially run on a pro-status quo platform in the modern era, but there is wide disagreement among party members about political status.

The Party for Cronan Integration has sidestepped the issue of political status by advocating multilateral integration between Pribraltar and Saint Kennera as equal partners with the Kiravian Federacy, The Cape, Umcara, and whatever the fuck Azi is now, instead of Kiravian statehood or free association. Although it continues to promote Cronan Integration in its communications, the PCI has a vague and elastic plaform on other issues and functions mainly as a catch-all anti-establishment party. Politicians who have resigned or been expelled from their party for whatever reason often defect to the PCI and seek reëlection on its ballot line, with mixed success.

The strength and rather high cohesion of various voter blocs on the island and the design of the electoral system has created a predictable balance of power in Pribraltar. The anti-statehood parties, having majority support among the electorate, have held a majority in the Válora for almost the entire duration of the current constitution. However, Prime Executive is elected by a two-round system, and the PRP and PFP or PFLP candidates are always the two that advance to the second round. Thus, the PRP candidate usually gains a majority in the second round as more economically left-wing and moderate voters swing toward them. The semi-presidential system ensures that the Executive Council and Prime Secretary are acceptable to both camps. This way of doing things, which is cushioned by strong customs and gentlemen's agreements among the island's small and tight-knit political élite, has been both praised for bringing moderation and stability and criticised for preventing change. Delegacy elections are more competitive due to the instant-runoff voting system and the fact that voting is open not only to Pribraltarian citizens, but also to citizens of the Kiravian Federacy and St. Kennera residing in Pribraltar.

Politics (St. Kennera)

Since its establishment under its current constitution, St. Kenneran politics has been dominated by the Coscivian People's Party of St. Kennera, which has a Christian-democratic, conservative-liberal, and Coscivian nationalist platform, and favours integration of the island into the Kiravian Federacy as a full state. The other party represented in the St. Kenneran legislature is the National Liberation Party, which is Kirosocialist and left-wing nationalist. Minor parties include the Social Credit Party of St. Kennera, the Party for Cronan Integration, the Party of St. Kenneran Democrats, and the Font Union Party.

Law (Pribraltar)

The law of Pribraltar includes constitutional law (the Fundamental Statute of Pribraltar and the Tripartite Compacts), statutory law passed by the Válora, and a body of réstiálda or "cultivated law" comprised of theoretical maxims, customary law, and precedents that have attained tōngan "consensus". In 21182 the unitary Hāvemat High Court was trifurcated into three high courts: The Court of Public Appeals (which handles constitutional cases, most administrative law, and cases against public bodies), the Court of Affairs (which handles criminal and most civil cases), and the Supreme Administrative Court (which handles admiralty and aviation cases, cases related to corporate affairs, and certain other classes of civil suits designated by statute). Rulings from the three high courts may be appealed to an Ultimate Commission on Judicial Revisions, but this commission rarely meets. The pro-statehood political camp advocates replacing the UCJR with appeals to the Kiravian Federal Consistory.

Marital law in Pribraltar is liberal compared to that of Saint Kennera or the Kiravian states. First-cousin marriage is legal (and quite common among some social sectors on the island), and there are no publication requirements or waiting periods required for marriage licences. Unlike most Kiravian states, there are no restrictions on age disparity between adult partners. Although no-fault divorce is not permitted, the divorce process in Pribraltar is procedurally streamlined, numerous "loophole faults" are entertained, and the courts generally accept "no contest" divorces. The civil annulment process for marriages contracted in Pribraltar or at sea within one lunar year of the petition to annul is said to involve only cursory review of written documents and the payment of a fee before a magistrate will sign off. Legislators from the PLP have proposed several bills to legalise no-fault divorce and gender-neutral marriage in order to promote Pribraltar as a wedding destination and divorce haven, but these have been met with strong opposition. Nonetheless [Krasoa divorce obama Pyramid???]

Law (St. Kennera)

Society and Culture



Pribraltar has a rich and diverse culture shaped by its long history as a trading centre.

The Pribraltarian urban upper and middle classes are known for being cosmopolitan, well-educated, and well-travelled. It is customary among them to attend universities in Great Kirav and Sydona and to spend years on end living and working in the Kiravian Collectivity, mainland Cronan countries, Cartadania, or Caphiria. This has created an image of Pribraltarian society as "Tandhurin-on-the-Straits" that has significant basis in reality but masques the island's distinctive local culture and the isolating effects of its island geography, which are seen in its local language, customs and mannerisms, architecture, and cuisine.


Most Pribraltarians hold or are eligible for Kiravian passports by virtue of their Kiravian National (Overseas) status. During the occupation, many Pribraltarians were granted KN(O) status to facilitate their resettlement in Great Kirav or to aid members of the resistance movement travelling between the islands and Great Kirav for training and other activities. In 21207, the Federal Stanora extended this status to all resident islanders of Coscivian, Alkharvian, Celtic, or Tryhstian descent through the Overseas Nationality Act (St. Kennera & Pribraltar). Thus, Pribraltarians are Kiravian nationals, but most are only citizens of Pribraltar. That being said, a significant number of Pribraltarians do hold Kiravian citizenship, having been naturalised in the Federacy or born to naturalised parents before returning to the island after its liberation.

Dual-nationality is the norm among Pribraltarian citizens. Treble-nationality - most commonly Pribraltarian-St. Kenneran-Kiravian, but also other combinations, including Pribraltarian-Caphirian-Kiravian among the Hekuvian Coscivian minority - is also frequently encountered, and it is not unheard of for Pribraltar residents to hold or be eligible for even more nationalities. One notable example widely reported in the local press was the case of Gśevril M.B.S. Tamarūdin, a nominee to the Board of Governors of the Pribraltar Monetary Authority. Born in [X-land] and residing in Hāverma at the time, Tamarūdin was alleged by CPPPR legislators to be a national of Pribraltar, the Kiravian Federacy, [X-land], [Y-land], Rumelistan, and [Z-country]. Tamarūdin, an [X-land]-born resident of Hāverma, investment banker, and finance professor at the Trinatria State Univerity, confirmed his Pribraltarian, Kiravian, and [X-landic] nationality, but noted that like most Pribraltarian citizens he only held a Kiravian passport. He acknowledged the possibility that he might "by technicality" hold additional nationalities, but claimed that he had never exercised any citizenship rights elsewhere.

Ethnic Groups

The majority of people living on Pribraltar are Pribraltarian Coscivians, who are primarily descended from Coscivian clans who migrated across the strait from southern Umcara in the 1300s or whatever and the autocthonous pre-Coscivian inhabitants, known as the Brassicans. Their ancestry also contains admixture from a variety of seafaring Coscivian ethnic groups, particularly Lusem, Kostiatem, and Sea Coscivians; Gaelic and Pretannic Celts; and peoples from nearby countries in Sarpedon, Crona, and Alvar. In addition, a large number of Coscivians from nearby St. Kennera live and work on Pribraltar as expatriates, and a great many Pribraltarians have some St. Kenneran ancestry.

Other Coscivian ethnic groups with large or significant communities on the island include Ivraīem Coscivians, Keregūlem Coscivians, Lusem Coscivians, Paisonic Coscivians, Eshavian Coscivians, Austral Coscivians, Coscivians with family ties to continental Ixnayan nations like Heku and Insui, Èusan Coscivians, Halatem Coscivians, Phaerem Coscivians, Tebnem Coscivians, and Eskean Coscivians.

People of immigrant origin from The Cape and [whatever tf Azi is now] make up a very large and rapidly growing share of the population, especially in Hāverma.


Pribraltarian Coscivian, a dialect of Cronan Coscivian mutually intelligible with St. Kenneran Coscivian, is the main spoken language on the island, and has official status. However, Kiravic Coscivian is used for most business and administrative purposes. The island's largest newspaper, the Hāverma Economist, is written in Kiravic, while the second-largest, the Pribraltar Post, is written in Pribraltarian. Pribraltarian is the main language used in television and radio broadcasts, supplemented by a large number of untranslated segments in Kiravic.

Portuguese is very widely spoken on Pribraltar as a second language, and is spoken natively by many people of Capetian, Cartadanian, and Tryhstian origin. Portuguese is offered as a second language in all public schools, and one public school in Hāverma offers elementary education in Portuguese to students from Lusophone households.

The other main foreign languages spoken by Pribraltarians are Hekuvian Latin, Ænglish, and Burgonesc. Knowledge of foreign languages is very widespread among Pribraltarians, with many speaking two or more such languages at advanced levels, these being useful skills in an economy driven by international business and tourism.


In terms of religion, 41.3% of Pribraltarian permanent residents are Roman Catholic, 19.7% are Insular Apostolic, 15.1% are Coscivian Orthodox, 8.3% are Protestant (chiefly Lutheran), 5.3% belong to monotheistic Coscivian religions, 5.2% are Muslim, and 0.7% are Bahá'í, while the remaining 4.4% profess other creeds.

The temporary resident population include a large number of Imperial Catholics, Muslims, followers of Alstinian religions, and Judaïsts, among others. As of 21198, seventeen different faith groups maintained places of worship in Hāverma, with many primarily serving temporary workers and visitors rather than native congregations.

The Pribyterian Church of Dodd maintains a chapel in Hāverma and a mission in Airport City. A number of business entities connected with the Church of Dodd, including DoddWorks Global, Anointed Capital Tours SAK, McPrib Franchise Real Estate International, and YesAnd! Global Marketing SAK, are registered and headquartered in Pribraltar.


Pribraltar has a well-educated populace, with universal literacy and very high rates of functional literacy, and high rates of post-secondary educational attainment. The state provides a public school system administered on an island-wide basis by the Pribraltar Education Commission under the supervision of the Secretariat of Education. However, some 44% of Pribraltarian students are enrolled in private, religious, or charter schools, which are subject to regulation by the Secretariat of Education but independently operated.

Opportunities for higher education on the island itself are somewhat limited, largely as a result of the Pribraltarian upper- and middle classes' long tradition of attending universities in Great Kirav and Sydona. The three largest institutes of higher learning on Pribraltar are the General College System (a community college system with four campuses across the island), St. Bran's College of Hāverma, and the Hāverma Economics and Management Institute. There is currently no state university, though the government has put forward plans to expand the island's law school into a full-fledged university within the next decade. Pribraltar's integration with the Kiravian Federacy, liberal registration policies, and minimal oversight of private colleges have allowed it to become a hub for minor educational institutions ranging from small, specialised graduate schools (mostly dedicated to business and related fields) to "offshore" dental and osteopathic schools to institutions of dubious legitimacy (some of which are known degree mills).

Saint Kennera

Insular Apostolic church in County Sithna

Saint Kennera has a more homogeneous and rural culture than neighbouring Pribraltar, but one that nonetheless reflects the many different historical influences on the islands. Most of the population are local St. Kenneran Coscivians, who are primarily descended from Coscivian clans who migrated across the strait from southern Umcara in the 1300s or whatever and the autocthonous pre-Coscivian inhabitants, known as the Brassicans. Saint Kenneran Coscivians also owe much of their ancestry to seafaring Ĥeiran Coscivians, Lusem Coscivians, Gaelic and Pretannic Celts, Èusan Coscivians, Vèuskem Coscivians, Paisonic Coscivians, and Austral Coscivians. There are also Coscivians not of local extraction living on the island, most of whom are more recent arrivals from Umcara, as well as some from Kiravia and Insui. Azikorian and Tryhstian communities can be found in Port St. Kennera.

Like many other Coscivian ethnic groups, St. Kenneran Coscivians are organised into clans, of which there are currently twelve.

For centuries and up to the present day, St. Kennerans have travelled to the more urbanised and economically developed island of Pribraltar in search of work, and a significant minority have settled there permanently. These emigrants, along with the thousands of St. Kennerans who fled to Kiravia while the island was under foreign occupation and settled mainly in the Valēka Metropolitan Area, make up the St. Kenneran diaspora.

A majority (55%) of islanders belong to the Insular Apostolic Church. Twenty percent are Lutherans, reflecting the influence of Umcara; ten percent are Catholic, five percent are Coscivian Orthodox, five percent are Reformed Orthodox (Theophilian), and two percent are Methodist, with the remaining three percent divided among various other confessions and a few people with no religious affiliation.



Old Docks

The economy of Pribraltar is shaped heavily by its geography as a small island in a strategic strait. Maritime trade, ship repair, offshore finance, tourism, and reëxports are the main drivers of economic growth. A strong service sector meets the needs of the island's population and caters to the thousands of tourists and business travellers who visit Pribraltar annually.

The financial services sector is driven mainly by offshore banking, group investment instruments, insurance (particularly maritime insurance, captive- and self-insurance, and reïnsurance), and international speculation. A stock exchange, the Pribraltar-Hāverma Securities Exchange, operates from Hāverma. Pribraltar is the jurisdiction of choice for organising special-purpose vehicles benefitting Kiravian companies. Upwards from 90% of orphan structures used for securitisation transactions to be traded on Kiravian exchanges are domiciled in Pribraltar.

The largest Pribraltarian-owned, non-strictly-financial company with significant corporate operations on the island is KMT Corporation, nucleus of the KMT Group, a diversified multinational with holdings in shipping, transportation, commodities exchange, finance, real estate, food & beverage industry, and retail, among other sectors. The KMT Group grew out of the Keregūlan Merchants of the Tropics Company, a Kiravian joint-stock mercantile company chartered in the [1500s], and played a central role in the settlement and development of Pribraltar. KMT Pribraltar Airways, an airline with robust passenger and cargo divisions, is the largest single private employer in Pribraltar.

A loophole written into Kiravian anti-gambling legislation makes Pribraltar one of only two jurisdictions (the other being the Daxian island Zhijun) from which online gambling services may be provided to customers in the Kiravian Federacy.

Pribraltar is its own flag state for the purposes of admiralty law, and maintains its own open ship registry, along with registration policies and operating regulations favourable to owners. The Pribraltarian Merchant Vessel Registry is an important source of public revenue that helps the Government of Pribraltar to finance itself while maintaining a low-tax environment. Pribraltar is also a rising venue for aircraft registration.

Pribraltar's small agricultural sector, constrained by the island's size and rugged terrain, has struggled to compete against imports from the Kiravian Federacy, Tierrador, the Cape, Cartadania, and Caphiria. Even in the market for locally-sourced produce preferred by affluent residents and upsacale restaurants, Pribraltarian farmers face competition from their counterparts in nearby St. Kennera, where the terrain is more conducive to agriculture and farm subsidies are more generous.

Banking sector

Pribraltar is a major offshore financial centre with privacy, taxation, and entity-formation policies highly favourable to foreign customers. The island's banks shelter an enormous amount of international wealth, the majority of which is estimated to come from Caphirian, Kiravian, and Capetian sources. During theKiravian Civil War and subsequent Kiravian Sunderance, Pribraltar was a major destination for capital flight from the socialist Mainland, and served as a major three-way conduit for the flow of capital and profits among Caphiria, the Cape, and the Kiravian Remnant. Much of the wealth of the Caphirian elite is believed to be held in Pribraltarian bank accounts, often through shell corporations, untaxable "charitable" trusts, and asset protection trusts organised under the island's laws.

Pribraltar-based banks were banned from operating in the Cape or serving private Capetian citizens until the 1990s, and remain similarly barred from the Caphirian mainland, though they can (and do) maintain branches in Caphirian overseas possessions and provinces such as Escal.

Public Finance

The Government of Pribraltar is financed largely by land value tax, a flat capitation tax on permanent residents, administrative fees (corporate, maritime, licensing, and other registration fees; entry fees charged to visitors), and stamp duties.

St. Kennera

Saint Kennerans are mostly either farmer Chads or work in the service industry catering to visitors from Pribraltar. Almost half of working-age citizens domiciled on Saint Kennera work on Pribraltar or further afield.

Notable Saint Kennerans and Pribraltarians

  • Juan Kerr - International financial misunderstanding victim; born in the Krasoa Islands but residing exclusively on Pribraltar since 2031.


St. Kennera

The St. Kenneran seashore
A farmstead in the central highlands
St. Kenneran variation on the traditional Coscivian tower house design
A view of St. Kennera


Bordelleaux Palmgate bank
An church
An school
An bank vault


  1. Dual St. Kenneran-Pribraltarian citizenship is common due to frequent migration and intermarriage between the islands' populations.