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|[[1822]]|| ||The Kingdom of Fiannria faces a serious government crisis due to a string of severe military defeats, known as the [[Fiannria#The_White_Revolution|White Revolution]]. The war in northern [[Levantia]] is left primarily between the Coalition and the Ultmarine duchies. Burgundie is recognized as a sovereign state by its ally, and begins to conduct autonomous government for the first time since [[1141]]. (check this)
|[[1822]]|| ||The Kingdom of Fiannria faces a serious government crisis due to a string of severe military defeats, known as the [[Fiannria#The_White_Revolution|White Revolution]]. The war in northern [[Levantia]] is left primarily between the Coalition and the Ultmarine duchies. Burgundie is recognized as a sovereign state by its ally, and begins to conduct autonomous government for the first time since [[1141]]. (check this)
|The [[Yonderian Golden Age]] sparks a new era of prosperity and growth in [[Yonderre]]. A joint [[Yonderian culture]] develops as Yonderian society rejects the notions of Bergendii and Gothic Yonderians.
|Third Kin War between Fhainnaeran and Fiannria. Fhainnin power reaches its zenith.
|Third Kin War between Fhainnaeran and Fiannria. Fhainnin power reaches its zenith.
|June 20, [[1822]]
|The Empire of Çyr is toppled, replaced with the [[Çyr|Second Çyrine Republic]].
|[[1837]]|| ||The [[Northern Levantine Mediatization War]] is won by the Christensen Coalition, officially freeing Burgundie from [[Fiannria|Fiannrian]] control. Southern Ultmar, spanning across the central stretch of the Great Northern Plain, is decisively conquered by the Fanerian Empire. (check this)
|[[1837]]|| ||The [[Northern Levantine Mediatization War]] is won by the Christensen Coalition, officially freeing Burgundie from [[Fiannria|Fiannrian]] control. Southern Ultmar, spanning across the central stretch of the Great Northern Plain, is decisively conquered by the Fanerian Empire. (check this)
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|[[1897]]-[[1902]]|| ||[[Red Interregnum]]
|[[1897]]-[[1902]]|| ||[[Red Interregnum]]
==Early 20th century==
==Early 20th century==
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Latest revision as of 07:46, 29 June 2024


Stone Age

Neolithic era

Bronze Age

Iron Age

15th century BC-9th century BC, it is generally attributed to the period wherein the Ancient Istroyan civilization came to power and influence. Alongside the rise of Adonerum in the north of Sarpedon and Levantia, the Ancient Istroyan civilization rose in eastern Sarpedon. These civilizations, which spread hundreds or thousands of city states across Levantia and Sarpedon, are considered to have begun the true rise of a recognizable Occidental civilization.

Year Date Event
~1500BC-848 The Ancient Istroyan civilization rises and reaches its golden age, spanning much of the basin of the Sea of Istroya.
~1500BC-570 The Adonerii civilization rises out of Urlazio and reaches its golden age, spanning much of the southern Odoneru Ocean which now bears this civilizaton's name.

Classical Antiquity

9th century BC-5th century AD, it is generally attributed to the period wherein the Ancient Istroyan civilization entered into a general decline and, following a period of turmoil in the Adonerii civilization, its Latinic successors began to rise. Chief among these successors was Great Levantia, which came to span a vast majority of the Levantine continent.

Year Date Event
887 BC January 1st (traditional) Latin settlers establish Urceopolis in Levantia, one of the furthest flung cities along the Urce river of the Adonerii civilization. The Latin city of Urceopolis almost immediately entered into conflict with the local Celtic tribes, though in time there would be a mutual understanding and coexistence established.
600 BC The Cognatish are settled in what is modern Pelaxia. This pre-Caphiravian cultural group spoke the Cognatish language from the 7th to the 1st century BCE. Due to their military qualities, as of the 5th century BCE Cognatish soldiers were frequently deployed in battles in Caphiria. Around 4th Century BCE, Caphiria sent Caphirian General Ottiano to conquer Cognatia. General Rusciprio subsequently defeated the Cognatish Ilergetes tribes and conquered Montia. After the Cognaitsh defeat, the valleys were divided into two major provinces, Pelagia Orientis and Pelagia Occidentis.
572 BC Urceopolis completes its conquest of the Latin cities in Levantia, stretching from up the Urce River to the coast through modern day Faneria, roughly approximating the entire eastern portion of the Adonerii league. Following the destruction of the league two years later, the now-unified cities form the civilization of Great Levantia, which roughly translates to the Great Eastern State. The name had been used - and is used to this day - to refer to the continent known as Levantia.
570 BC Urlazio is unified into the Latin Kingdom, destroying the Adonerii civilization.
500-300 BC Great Levantia begins its advance into the Levantine interior, conquering large swaths of modern day Urcea and making client kings out of many to most of the interior Celtic tribes.
197 BC Cognatish tribes revolted once again in the P. Orientis province of modern Pelaxia. After securing these regions, Caphiria invaded and conquered Albalitoria and Cognatilitoria. The Caphirians fought a long and drawn out campaign for the conquest of Albalitoria. Wars and campaigns in the northwest coast of the Cognatish valleys would continue until 16 BCE, when the final rebellions of the Litorian Wars were defeated.
142 BC Great Levantia rules over much of modern day Urcea and Dericania, as well as part of the southern United Kingdom. Religious authorities proclaim that Great Levantia now rules over a majority share of the entire world, and conquest ceases for a time. The centuries of conquest had covered over serious issues with the republican constitution and representation of the constituent parts of the Levantine state, and following the cessation of expansion, several decades of instability and unrest begin.
74 BC The Levantine Social War breaks out, pitting Latinic cities, Celtic tribes, and the central authorities of Great Levantia in Urceopolis in a three way civil war.
56 BC The Social War ends as the newly elected Pontifex Maximus Gaius Stephanus Pictor leads the central Legions to victory. Pictor began reforms of the state, beginning the so-called Potentate Period of Great Levantia. Pictor's position as Pontifex Maximus began to supersede the consuls in most state authority, and the title of Princeps was soon held by the Pontifex Maximus as well. Following successful implementations of his reforms, Pictor marched north and conquered most of modern day Fiannria.
21 AD Imperium Vandar Orientalis founded.
35 AD The first Christian missionaries arrive in Levantia.
64 AD The first Christian Pope and Bishop of Urceopolis, St. Peter, is crucified upside down in Urceopolis. Within a few years (or perhaps the same year), the Apostle St. Paul is beheaded in Urceopolis.
242 AD Following more than two hundred years, the Pictorian Dynasty dies out, throwing Great Levantia into chaos. By the end of the year, the Magister militum seized power, ending the Potentate Period and beginning the Dominate, so called due to the title of address of the Magister militum - Lord. While the nominal framework of the state remained the same, the Pontifex Maximus was now appointed directly by the Magister militum. The Dominate would remain until the end of the Levantine state. With the end of hereditary rule, the Dominate ushered in a period of civil wars for control over the state.
269-279 AD Most historians estimate the population of Great Levantia became majority Christian during this time.
280 AD Scholarly consensus has indicated the migrations of Gothic people out of Gothica into Great Levantia began around this time.
307 AD The Christian Levantine General Amadeus Agrippa becomes Magister militum by appointment of his predecessor. Following a short civil war disputing his accession, Agrippa announces the legalization of Christianity in Great Levantia.
310 AD In exchange for their help during the civil war, Amadeus Agrippa grants formal foederati status to the Caenish people, giving them legal authority over what would become Canaery.
314 AD Magister militum Amadeus Agrippa deposes the last pagan Pontifex Maximus in Great Levantia, transferring the title and religious authority to the Bishop of Urceopolis while taking the nominal legal authority of Princeps for himself. From this point forward, as a consequence of the separation of the religious authority from political power, the head of Great Levantia is referred to as Emperor, as it was said from that point that he had imperium, or, command, over the State.
407 AD Sarpedonian tribes cross the Cazuano River into modern Pelaxia, undoing the caphirian control over the region.
409 AD After three years of depredation and wandering about southern Pelaxia the Losa, Ladri and Klis moved into Pelaxia in September or October 409. Thus began the history of the end of Caphiravian Pelaxia which came in 472. The Losa established a kingdom in Monti in what is today modern Montia and northern East Pelaxia. The Ladri also established a kingdom in the southern part of the region. The Klis established a kingdom in Albalitore – modern northwest coast. The Caphirian attempt under General Petia to dislodge the Septri from Jojoba failed in 422. Caphiria made attempts to restore control in 446 and 458 with partial success.
434 AD Urceopolis is sacked by a coalition of marauding Caens and Picts. The sack revealed the true extent of the decline of Great Levantia, and Emperors for the next two decades spend considerable resources attempting to rebuild and fortify the city.
484 AD The Kosal established Agrila as the capital of their kingdom. Successive Kosal kings ruled Agrila as patricians who held imperial commissions to govern in the name of the Caphirian Consul. In 585 the Kosal conquered the Losa Kingdom of Montia, and thus controlled a third of Pelaxia.

Medieval history

6th century

Year Date Event
502 AD With most of the peripheral areas of Great Levantia under "barbarian control", and the remaining Latino-Gaelic areas quasi-independent provinces, the nobility and people of Urceopolis depose the last Emperor, signalling the traditionally understood end of Great Levantia.
552 AD Julianstown, capital of the Imperium Vandar Orientalis, is sacked by Gothic invaders. The Imperium Vandar Orientalis collapses, though remnant forces continue fighting for another twenty years.
c. 570 Muhammad, founder of Islam, is born in Muqadas, Audonia

7th century

Year Date Event
624 Muhammad conquers the cities of Muqadas and Al-Aqdis, founding the Oduniyyad Caliphate
676-759 The Heavenly Shang Empire sends a number of treasure fleets to explore the western oceans. During this period the Shang established trading posts and colonies in modern day Oyashima, Shanjin and Tanhai. These are considered the first external colonies in Punth and were the harbinger of a frenzy for Punthite colonies that continues today.
680-1071 Audonian Christian exiles from Audonia during the rise of the Oduniyyad Caliphate, arrive in Levantia establishing the Principality of Hištanšahr

8th century

Year Date Event
Mid 8th century The stirrup, brought by the Audonian Christians from Audonia and introduced by the warriors of Hištanšahr catches on in Levantia, initiating an age of heavy cavalry and possibly contributing to the rise of feudalism on that continent. Cavalry, though it had been in use in antiquity, becomes a critical factor of warfare in Levantia for the next millennia.
740-755 Gothic War in eastern Vandarch. Goth tribes conquered and driven east or sold abroad into slavery.
761/765 Levantine Empire established by Conchobar I of Gallawa

9th century

10th century

Year Date Event
917 Emperor Brian III of the Levantine Empire dies and divides his realms into three upon his death; the Southern Kingdom of the Levantines to his eldest son, King Charles II, the Eastern Kingdom of the Levantines to his second son, King Culmann I, and the Western Kingdom of the Levantines to his youngest son, King Aemon I. No Emperor of the Levantines is crowned, functionally bringing the Empire to an end.
922 The last male-line heir of Saint Julius of the Caeline dies in the Archduchy of Urceopolis, leaving the Grand Duke of Harren, Seán, in line for the throne. King Charles II, King of Southern Levantines, prohibits the Harrenic succession on grounds that it would make the combined realms too powerful. Seán refuses to be denied the so-called "Julian patrimony", beginning the War of the Urceopolitan Succession.
924 The War of the Urceopolitan Succession ends, leaving Grand Duke Seán victorious. With the Archduchy of Urceopolis and Grand Duchy of Harren under one ruler, the House of Harren becomes the most powerful in the Southern Kingdom of the Levantines. A majority consensus of historians points to the unification of these two realms as the birth of a distinctly Urcean nation.
931 The Conine dynasty dies out in the Eastern Kingdom of the Levantines with the childless death of King Culmann. The Dukes of the Kingdom elect one of their own, Leo, to serve as King.
965 King Leo I of the Eastern Kingdom of the Levantines begins an invasion of the Southern Kingdom of the Levantines. Urceopolis-Harren joins the war on Leo's side.
972 After his conquest of the Southern Kingdom of the Levantines, King Leo I deposed the last Conine King in Levantia and was crowned Emperor of the Levantines, reforging the Empire. The Eastern and Southern Kingdoms formed the nucleus of what would become recognizable as the Holy Levantine Empire.
996 The Lenonine Dynasty of Emperors of the Levantines dies out in the male line, leading to a succession crisis and puts the Levantine Empire on the verge of civil war.
997 Civil war in the Levantine Empire is avoided as the Collegial Electorate is formed, beginning elective monarchy in the Empire. In the first election, the Collegial Electorate elected Duke Louis of Allaria to serve as Emperor. With an interruption between 1749 and 1799, every Emperor of the Levantines for the next millennia would be selected by the Collegial Electorate.

11th century

Year Date Event
1031 Due to political and religious factionalism within the Oduniyyad Caliphate between Sunnis and Shias, the Punthite territories secede and form a rival empire.
1067 Cambyses IV Ashrafioun, ruler of Hištanšahr, dies without a clear heir, beginning the War of the Three Princes. Artaxerxes IX nominally becomes Prince, but the country is divided into a three-way civil war.
1071 The War of the Three Princes ends with the Catholic Seoirge Ashrafioun, backed by the Holy Levantine Empire, emerges victorious. The Pope crowns him King of Gassavelia, bringing former Hištanšahr into the Holy Levantine Empire and into the Levantine orbit.
1095 Crusades begin in Sarpedon. Formal introduction of the stirrup to Sarpedonian militaries, and the rise of cavalry warfare on that continent.
1097 Saint Julius of the Caeline is canonized.
1098 Emperor Leo II Luciusan of the Holy Levantine Empire issues the Golden Bull of 1098, elevating the union of Urceopolis-Harren to the Kingdom of Urcea. Archduke Riordan is crowned the first King of Urcea.

12th century

Year Date Event
1144 The Urcean Crown acquires the Electorate of Canaery, solidifying its influence in the Collegial Electorate and Holy Levantine Empire.
1153 The Interregnum of 1153 in Urcea results in the ascension of the House of Aleckán in Urcea.
1167 Crusades begin in Audonia.

13th century

Year Date Event
1206-1668 Myanga Ayil Khanate sweeps through northwestern Alshar
1210-1214 Cromwelute Wars in the Kilikas and Coscivian Sea basins.
1214 Cónn of Holmfilth seizes the Urcean Crown with the help of powerful vassals is crowned King Constantine I of Urcea, bypassing the previous King's - Emperor Niall I - son Donnchad. This event marks the beginning of the Saint's War.
1234 Gallowglass Wars in Fiannria end.
1291 Crusades in Sarpedon end.

14th century

Year Date Event
1206-1668 Myanga Ayil Khanate sweeps through northwestern Audonia
1320s-1555 Levantine Renaissance.
1339 Beginning of the Great Interregnum in Urcea. For more than six decades, the Crown of Urcea remains vacant, the Pope takes control of Urceopolis, and the Grand Duchy of Harren and Archduchy of Urceopolis are divided between the two warring houses.
1347-1351 Great Plague hits Levantia and Sarpedon.
1350s Earliest record of cannons being used effectively in Occidental warfare.
1392 Kingdom of the Fhainn is founded by Rethys I Màrtainn.

Cardinal Cyfoeth

15th century

Year Date Event
1402 Louis, head of House de Weluta, definitively defeats the Cónn faction and becomes Apostolic King of Urcea, ending the Saint's War and Great Interregnum. House de Weluta, with some exception in the 16th century, has ruled Urcea ever since.
1409 Cardinal Cyfoeth, a Fhainic clergyman in Kisr Bryn, takes up arms against the 'regency council' of Emperor Hendric and leads an impromptu campaign to restore monarchic authority in Fhainnin. This sparks a major noble revolt, which the now-adult Emperor and the Cardinal-Militant brutally put down. Hundreds of rebellious or insufficiently loyal nobles are put to the sword, cementing power in the hands of the Imperial Throne.
1428 Crusades end in Audonia.
1320s-1555 Levantine Renaissance.
1450s Earliest Occidental record of firearms being used effectively in warfare.
1458-1494 Conquest of East Gothica by crusaders chielfy from the Holy Levantine Empire, establishing Yonderre as an autonomous marcher realm under Joanus de Martigueux.
1206-1668 Myanga Ayil Khanate sweeps through northwestern Alshar

Early 16th century

1206-1668|| ||Myanga Ayil Khanate sweeps through northwestern Alshar
Year Date Event
1517 The Oduniyyad Caliphate collapses after centuries of infighting culminate in a civil war which fractures the state.
1519-1545 First Princes' War in Fhainnaeran.
1544-1548 Kurikilan Crusade in Fhainnaeran.
1535-1538 The Republican Revolution in Kiravia results in the formation of the Confederate Republics of Kiravia.
1320s-1555 Levantine Renaissance.
1555 May 2 The Great Confessional War starts, signaling the end of the petty kingdoms of medieval Levantia and the start of the Early Modern period.
1556-1557 A large scale revolt known as the First Potato War, an off-shoot of the Great Confessional War, occurs in Yonderre and is ultimately put down a year later.

Early modern history

Late 16th century

Year Date Event
1206-1668 Myanga Ayil Khanate sweeps through northwestern Alshar
1555-1575 Great Confessional War in Levantia sparks an emigration of Levantine Protestants across the world, especially Alshar and southern Crona.
1571-1583 Second Princes' War in Fhainnaeran.
1598-1854 February 9, 1598 Burgundian West Punth Trading Company, formed primarily of Levantine Protestants fleeing the Great Confessional War start the Kandoora colony, sparking a 250 year campaign of explosive colonization in Alshar.

17th century

Year Date Event
1206-1668 July 21, 1668 Myanga Ayil Khanate sweeps through northwestern Alshar, ending in the Battle of Telmen-Uul when Burgoignesc Kandahar-Kandara Trading Company forces defeated the Army of the Khans.
1598-1854 Burgoignesc Kandahar-Kandara Trading Company, formed primarily of Levantine Protestants fleeing the Great Confessional War start the Kandoora colony, sparking a 250 year campaign of explosive colonization in Alshar.
1625-1634 The War of Urlazio, in which Urcea took the beachhead on Urlazio to prevent Caphirian expansion into Levantia.
1641-1643 The Yonderian Peasants' War ravages the countryside of Yonderre, ultimately leading to the failure of the rebellion and diminishing of the rights of the Yonderian peasantry.
1676-1712 Tundra Wars in Fhainnaeran and northern Levantia.

18th century

Year Date Event
1598-1854 February 9, 1598 Burgundian West Punth Trading Company, formed primarily of Levantine Protestants fleeing the Great Confessional War start the Kandoora colony, sparking a 250 year campaign of explosive colonization in Alshar.
1712-1717 Sutharine Succession Crisis in Fhainnaeran.
1713-1717 First Kin War between Fhainnaeran and Fiannria (maybe others).
1722-1723 December 12, 1722 The South Levantine Company takes control of the Çyr, ruling it directly as a colony.
1728 October 20-23, 1728 The Great Fire of Collinebourg leaves more than 20,000 homeless as Collinebourg burns for 60 hours.
1776 April 4, 1776 Varisavius Leonoix completes the first shipment of coffee from Zirapsis, Melian Islands to Bérasar, Great Kirav.
1778-1802 Second Kin War between Fhainnaeran and Fiannria.
1782 Veltorinan independence from Caphiria. Urcea supported the Veltorinan revolutionaries and recieved Lariana as a prize, and as a forward operating base to garuntee the independence of Veltorina against Caphirian reconquest.
1787-1788 The Second Potato War rages in Yonderre, ending in the suppression of the revolt and execution of its leaders but also lighter taxation of the peasantry.

Late modern history

19th century

Year Date Event
1811 Bergendii dissidents launch an insurrection against the local Fiannrian occupation government. The Fanerian Empire moves quickly to back the rebels using a prototype railroad, mobilizing far more quickly than thought possible. The Northern Levantine Mediatization War begins. (check this)
1812-1816 The Çyrine Revolution begins, culminating with the proclamation of the short-lived Republic of Çyr in 1815 before the government is toppled and replaced by a local monarchy.
1822 The Kingdom of Fiannria faces a serious government crisis due to a string of severe military defeats, known as the White Revolution. The war in northern Levantia is left primarily between the Coalition and the Ultmarine duchies. Burgundie is recognized as a sovereign state by its ally, and begins to conduct autonomous government for the first time since 1141. (check this)
1820-1900 The Yonderian Golden Age sparks a new era of prosperity and growth in Yonderre. A joint Yonderian culture develops as Yonderian society rejects the notions of Bergendii and Gothic Yonderians.
1829-1831 Third Kin War between Fhainnaeran and Fiannria. Fhainnin power reaches its zenith.
1837 The Northern Levantine Mediatization War is won by the Christensen Coalition, officially freeing Burgundie from Fiannrian control. Southern Ultmar, spanning across the central stretch of the Great Northern Plain, is decisively conquered by the Fanerian Empire. (check this)
1843 Treaty of the Pass submits northern Finn/Aenglo nation as a vassal of Fhainnaeran.
1843-1846 The Çyrine-Emirati War is waged between the Second Çyrine Republic and the emirates of Yas and Al Sa'id over naval boundaries. The war concludes with a Çyrine victory and an internationally recognized expansion of their maritime borders.
1848 People's Spring in Levantia and Crona. This event saw widespread, concurrent, not uncoordinated revolts. Since the revolutionary activity was ad hoc, no two had the same aims. However, in general they were in favor of more liberal forms of government, the abolishing of monarchies, the abolishing of empires and the creation of ethno-cultural nation states. It is considered the international expression of many aims of the 1823 White Revolution in Fiannria.
1854 July 2, 1854 The last Burgundian West Punth Trading Company colony, Dwemer Colony falls and the Burgundians formally lose their hold in Alshar.
1886-1887: Fourth Kin War between Fhainnaeran and Fiannria. Fhainnaeran's monarchy cuts losses early at the cost of an entire province, enraging the Fhainnin populace.
1897-1902 Red Interregnum

Early 20th century

Year Date Event
1897-1902 Red Interregnum
1909-1932 Great DIXpression
1911-1916 War of Faskano Strait
1916 March 18 The Battle of Langenhanshagen, Kiraviaian forces field mobile pill boxes against Burgundian troops, the first recorded use of tanks in warfare.
1919-1925 Hendalarskara Civil War
1927 April 4 The start of the Second Great War signaling the end of the late modern period.

Contemporary history

Late 20th century

Year Date Event
1906-1916 Fhainnin Civil War. Fhainnaeran's monarchy is overthrown and replaced with a representative government.
1927-1953 Second Great War in Crona, Sarpedon and Levantia
*Levantine Civil War
*Insui-Caphirian conflict
*Great Cronan War (1948-1953)
1942-1955 Thirteen Year War between Fiannria, Helvana and the Yytuskian Reich
1966-1983 Operation Kipling in Alshar. Burgundie engages in a massive anti-communist counter-insurgency war.
1992-1994 Vandarch Canal Crisis between Fhainnaeran, Nahe, Yonderre, and Covina.
1983 - 1989 August 13th, 1983 - March 1st, 1989 The six-year civil war that enveloped Yytuskia between the fascist Hertal government, and the civilian/military socialist coup d'etat. Resulted in the desposition and hanging of topic government officials, and a return to democracy after almost 70-years of authoritarianism.

21st century