Legend: C - complete I - incomplete L - complete, needs link/category work

Main Article:



Seat of the Despotate

Joined Seats of the Concord

Office of the High Courts

Office of Civil Services

Office of Political Security

Office of Trade and Travel

Office of the Treasury

Office of the Federal Army

Geography and Political Divisions:

Provinces of Fhainnaeran

Ninerivers Basin (Fearann Naoabhainn, lit. land of the ninerivers)

Lyukquára - province

Vrael - province

Connsmonan - province

Mhartainnvail - province

Ceann a Rhydwel - province

Lyukquar - province

Vrael - province

Srathlann - province

Ceann a Haibne - province

Ceann a Torr - province

Dunlann - province

Glean Bean - province

Glean Teilt - province

Fhainnholdt - province

Mharnsgate - Colonial city carved out of Maloka Island colony here

Eileada - island colony in Sarpedon area, formerly Corbos

Rhydwel River (Abhain Rhydwel)

Connsmonannin River (Abhain Connsmonannin)

Reothadt River (frost river, Abhain Reothadt)

Deamhain Mountains

Maloka - dependency/protectorate in Punth/Crona

Kurikila - city

Teindùn - city

Oirthidùn - city

Connsmonandún - city

Sethsport - city

Port na Comhgall - city

Luidún - city

Igar Dún - city

Mult Dúnbaile - city

Dúnfhainn - city

Lansgadh - city

Port na Habhainnsk - city

Cirit Mull - city

Meadhainnigh - city

Gwyn Dún - city

Cirit Braigh - city

Luinn Dún - city

Cirit Torr - city

Cultural Articles:

Fhainnin Culture

Cananachan Republicanism

Northern Revival Art

Political Parties of Fhainnaeran



Gaelic people

Ninerivers Fhainn

General History:

History of Fhainnaeran

Croprot Famines

Great Fire Blight

1664 Levantine Quake

Teindun Factory Riots

1903 Constitutional Crisis

C Nordskan Sea Flashes

  • Wars:

Kurikilan Crusade

Tundra Wars

First Princes' War

Second Princes' War

Fhainnin Civil War

Sutharine Succession Crisis

Fhainn-Fiann Kin Wars or First-4th Kin Wars

Eight Years' Terrors

North Levantine Front (Great War)

Vandarch Canal Crisis

Malokan Month's War

Covine Ember War

  • Monarchs:

Kings of the Fhainn

Ruaridh Màrtainn

Rethys Màrtainn

Bronlan Màrtainn

Alexandr Haith Màrtainn

Alexandr II Màrtainn

Ruaridh II Màrtainn

Ruaridh III Màrtainn

Caerls Màrtainn

Clyde Barheln

Bronwyn Barh-Màrtainn

Rhys Wydd-Màrtainn

Cledwyn Wydd-Màrtainn

Conan Wydd-Màrtainn

Ruaridh Sutharlan

Cailean Suthar-Màrtainn

Donan Suthar-Màrtainn

Rethys Suthar-Màrtainn

Rethys II Suthar-Màrtainn

Conn Suthar-Màrtainn

Sean Suthar-Màrtainn

Sear Mari Suthar-Màrtainn

Thondil Suthar-Màrtainn

Rethys III Suthar-Màrtainn

Donan II Suthar-Màrtainn

Conn Sean Suthar-Màrtainn

Cywir Suthar-Màrtainn

Luthais Suthar-Màrtainn

Sean II Suthar-Màrtainn

Rethys IV Suthar-Màrtainn

Cywir II Suthar-Màrtainn

Cledwyn Suthar-Màrtainn

Rethysear Suthar-Màrtainn

Rethys V Suthar-Màrtainn

Ruaridh Suthar-Màrtainn

  • Other People:

Callac Cananach - founding father

Brennan Walaerin - Despot

[[]] - Taoseach

Conn Mann

Áilgel Maridh - head of Office of the High Courts

Cynfel Dúnchair - head of Office of Civil Services

Caíndryn Dúnach - head of Office of Political Security

Delyth Guair - Office of the Federal Army Chief Army Officer

[[]] - head of Office of the Treasury

[[]] - head of Office of Trade and Travel


Domhnic Lutair




Sair Luthair

Donnal MacGathac - Commissioner of Environment for the League of Nations

Brenna Daenlaine - General Assembly delegate to the League of Nations

Marcus Walaerin - Security Council delegate to the League of Nations

Celippe Werthwr - owner of Werthwr Stàilinobaer

Dunin Werthwr (deceased) - founder of Werthwr Stàilinobaer







  • Other:

Fhainnin Thronewatch - historic secret police organization

Royal Vicariates of Fhainnlannachaeran - historic political divisions

C Madiodha 2016-1 - main battle tank

C GaelWind - radical ethnoterror group/political party

C Pan-Gaelic Theory - ethnopolitical theory

Cananachan Republicanism - political theory

Nuclear weapons and Fhainnaeran

Barra (฿) - native currency

Economic Articles:

Economy of Fhainnarean

Companies (companies with multiple sectors are ranked by their lowest one):

Ginearált Lionsag (General Lensing)

Luthair National Munitions

Ginearált Dealbhadh Coimpiutair (General Computer Design)

Teilgcheárta de Làmhachas Nàiseanta Fhainn (Fhainnin National Heavy Arms Foundry)

Teilgcheárta de Armachd Nàiseanta Fhainn (Fhainnin National Armor Plant)

  • Primary sector of the economy (the raw materials industry):

Lyukquar Agricultural Incorporated - grains

Ruthlandt Co-op - ranching and dairy

Gansun Energy - coal

Solafioden - coal and gas

Inner Basin Exotics and Extraction - rare earth metals

Agroleum Comitat - oil and gas

Miller and Cripps Timber - logging

Cheasan Kompanai - fruit and warm-region crops

  • Secondary sector of the economy (manufacturing and construction):

Werthwr Stàilinobaer - steel

Madrat Motor Design - automotive parts and automobiles; automotive design

Gothic Manufacturing Guild - industrial capital manufacturing

Sverd Industries - aeronautic design and manufacturing

Greater Alania Institute for the Biological Sciences - bioengineering

Sethsport Shipyards United - shipwright)

Erasia National Munitions - small arms and military supplies, military focus, state-owned

Hydrus Arms - small arms, civilian focus

Ladvner Construction - general construction and contracting

Faena Chemical-Electric - chemicals manufacturing

Other pages related/to work on: School leaving age around the world, Voting around the world, Gun laws around the world, Capital punishment around the world, List of Nations, Template:B.I.S_NavBox, List of Companies by Industry, Visa requirements around the world, International trading around the world, Levantia, Mains electricity around the world, Track gauges around the world, Abortion around the world, Féinem, Taler