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Metzetta is a country in East Alshar comprising the Metzettan Peninsula and the Metzettan Archipelago to the south.

Empire of Metzetta

멛Δㅔ따 (Metzi)
Flag of Metzetta
Motto: 하나로 앞으로
Onwards as one
and largest city
Official languagesMetzi
Emperor Hachi
Dong Yuji
• Founded (Legendary)
2333 BC
• Estimate
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
• Per capita
CurrencyMetzettan Won (₩) (MZW)
Date formatdd/mm/yyyy
Mains electricity230V 50Hz
Driving sideleft
Calling code+99

Metzetta has been inhabited since prehistory, with the earliest pottery fragments dating from around 8000 BC. In the 3rd Century AD the kingdoms of Metzetta were united under an Emperor and imperial court based in Hanzeong, the nation's capital and largest, most populous city. Since then, Metzetta has existed under the guiding hand of its Emperor.

Metzetta is a developed country which benefits from a high-speed train network and globally influential music and film sectors. The official language, Metzi, is written using Hangul, and is considered a language isolate. The Empire of Metzetta also controls Jinju.


The ancient kingdom of Meseda derived its name from "Me" (메) meaning hill or mountain, and "Seda" (섿아) meaning fierce, strong or powerful; altogether the name translated as "Fierce Hill" or "Powerful Mountain" in reference not only to the mountainous terrain of the region, but also specifically to Adamant Hill where the Emperor's castle stood in Hanzeong, and Mount Riwa, an imposing holy mountain in the centre of the country. By the time Meseda had conquered the neighbouring kingdoms, the spelling and pronunciations of the root words had changed to "Mettu" (멛두) and "Zetta" (ㅿ엗다) from which the modern name is drawn.


Main article: History of Metzetta

Local legends hold that Metzetta and the surrounding lands were created by the gods; archaeological evidence has not yet been found to support this version of events.


Tool-making artefacts have been found in Metzetta dating from around 700,000 years ago. Settlements seem to have been concentrated in the central-western portion of the country. Agricultural societies and the most primitive forms of social-political complexities emerged around 1500 BC, developing around both dry-field and paddy-field crops. Beginning in 850 BC, chiefs began to take command over societies, and their (for the time) lavish burials have been excavated across the country. Bronze-production became possible in 700 BC and immediately cemented itself as a cornerstone of civilisation. Long distance trade, increasing levels of local conflict and the development of iron metallurgy signalled the end of this era of history about 300 BC.

Ancient Kingdoms

The first Metzettan kingdom, and the one which would come to dominate all others, was Meseda (메세다), supposedly founded by Emperor Yang-jo (a direct descendant of the gods) in 2333 BC. The first Emperor scholars can agree certainly existed based on archaeological evidence was Doekan; all Emperors who followed him are historically verifiable. Written records from 700 BC attest that the kingdom was certainly well-established by this time. Meseda's capital was located in Hanzeong as it is today. Meseda is sometimes referred to in later accounts as Meseda-jo (메세다조) to differentiate it from modern-day Metzetta, but it was never known by this name at the time.

To the northeast of Meseda-jo lay Hyuntoji (휸도지, Hyuntoji translates as "Dark Land" or "Mysterious Land" and was the Metzettan name for the territory). Hyuntoji was smaller and less sophisticated than Meseda and was subjugated around 300 BC as Meseda-jo expanded. The territory to the south of Meseda was known as Daekang (대강, Great Water/River in Metzi) and was prosperous thanks to its ample coastline and greater proportion of arable land than the mountainous Meseda-jo. Daekang controlled several islands off the coast and resisted takeover attempts from the north for generations until falling in 85 BC. Ankae, the former capital of Daekang, is now the second-largest city in Metzetta. Following this acquisition Meseda-jo became known as Metzetta. Over the coming years the new empire would take to the seas and conquer many islands off the coast and laid claim to as many uninhabited islands as it could find.

Antiquity (300-1850)

Metzetta loses control over Huoxian peninsula, conflicts over islands continue into GW2. In 1590 Metzetta settles Jinju.

Modern Metzetta (1850-present)

Emperor Daeku is considered the first modern Emperor. He instituted sweeping reforms to currency, honours and military. Emperors Daeku and Yonzi kept Metzetta neutral during The First Great War. For the first year of The Second Great War, Metzetta remained neutral under Emperor Jan-Hu, however Levantine allies successfully induced Metzetta to join the Allies on March 30th, 1935, the same day Rusana fell to Daxia.

After the Second Great War, Metzetta was chosen as the venue for the first Istroyan Games in 1950, which it hosted in Hanzeong. In 1965 Princess Haeki of Metzetta married Leo de Weluta of Urcea; the wedding was big news among the commoners and several members of the royal family travelled to Urcea to attend the wedding.

In 2022 on the day of Emperor Hachi's ascension to the throne, Hanzeong was the victim of a terrorist incident, now referred to as the Coronation Bombings, in which an anti-monarchist individual detonated an explosive device on the subway and attempted to send a second one which was intercepted before activation. 2025 saw the first official state visit of the Metzettan Imperial Family to The Cape, a notoriously republican state, by Emperor Hachi, who discussed trade and culture despite booing and jeers from crowds of locals who disapprove of monarchy.


Main article: Geography of Metzetta

The territory of modern-day Metzetta is shown here in red.

In the centre of Metzetta stands Mount Riwa, a holy site symbolic of the entire nation. It is part of a mountain range that divides east from west, running about two thirds of the way down the country. Metzetta is surrounded on all sides but north by the sea, with the Ocean of Cathay to the east. Metzetta's many island territories to the south are popular holiday destinations. Metzetta has an area of 317,020 square miles. Southern Metzetta is home to the country's 8 great lakes, popular tourist destinations and biodiversity hotspots; particularly the largest among them, Ugi-ui Hosu.


Metzetta tends to have a humid continental climate and a humid subtropical climate, and experiences a monsoon season in the summer, which begins end of June through the end of July. Winters can be extremely cold with the minimum temperature dropping below −20 °C in the inland region of the country. Winter temperatures are higher along the southern coast and considerably lower in the mountainous interior. Summer can be uncomfortably hot and humid, with temperatures exceeding 30 °C in most parts of the country. Metzetta has four distinct seasons; spring, summer, autumn and winter. Spring usually lasts from late March to early May, summer from mid-May to early September, autumn from mid-September to early November, and winter from mid-November to mid-March.

Rainfall is concentrated in the summer months of June through September. The southern coast is subject to late summer typhoons that bring strong winds, heavy rains and sometimes floods. The average annual precipitation is around 1400 millimetres.


Metzetta is home to many diverse species of flora and fauna, some of which are endemic to the country (found nowhere else in the world), particularly in the south-eastern island territories. Ugi-ui Hosu harbours many endemic species in and around its waters.

Native Metzettan dog breeds include the Hyuntoji Herdhound, Metzettan Mountain Dog and Zeolla Shepard.


Metzetta is surrounded by many islands which are considered properly part of Metzetta rather than overseas territories. Metzetta controls only half of Choju, their name for the largest island halfway between Metzetta and Duamacia, as well as portions of several islands jointly administered between Metzetta, Duamacia and Tanhai. The vast majority of Metzettan islands however have no border and are entirely under the empire's control. In all, 10 islands in the archipelago are contested, with borders between at least two of the three countries, with Metzetta controlling an additional 48 islands of a size over 10 square miles and countless smaller rocks along the coast.

Overseas possessions

The island of Jinju in Australis is also a part of the Metzettan Empire but not administered as part of "Metzetta Proper" i.e. The mainland and archipelago.


Metzetta is a monarchy, with democracy only existing at a local level.


Main article: Government of Metzetta

Metzetta has always existed under the direct rule of the Emperor. Historically the High Priest also held much power within the government but their sway has diminished in recent decades. At the local level, councillors are democratically elected but high-ranking positions are hand-picked by the Emperor. Until Emperor Daeku restructured the military, Metzetta's War Chief was considered one of the highest-ranking officials.

Metzettan Royal Family

The Metzettan Imperial Family represent the pinnacle of the aristocracy in Metzetta, and have marriage links to royal families in Urcea (through Princess Haeki in 1965) and Aciria (through Princess Hanyeo in 1978). The Emperor/Empress are the ultimate authority, followed by their spouse who is followed in turn by the heir to the throne. Members often hold additional titles (Dukedoms, Earldoms, Baronies) in addition to their Imperial titles. The current Emperor has been Emperor Hachi since 2022. The genealogical history of the Imperial Family is extremely well documented, which is a point of pride for the country.

Administrative Divisions

The major administrative divisions of Metzetta are the 16 provinces, 8 metropolitan cities (cities which are self-governing rather than part of a province) and one special city (the capital of Hanzeong). All administrative divisions are associated with a noble title.

Administrative Divisions of Metzetta
Name Population Area (sq. miles) Name Population Area (sq. miles)
Special City Province
Hanzeong 9,500,000 600 Wassi 12,000,000 40,260
Metropolitan City Zeolla 10,000,000 32,820
Ankae 3,500,000 430 Panyonggi 7,000,000 28,500
Jamsu 2,800,000 410 Kitaessi 6,400,000 25,000
Inyang 2,700,000 380 Zeowon 4,000,000 24,330
Hitui 1,900,000 300 Hansang 2,500,000 20,500
Uchyeo 1,500,000 275 Seocheong 2,200,000 20,000
Hokae 1,400,000 260 Ungsang 1,700,000 18,450
Jaegyu 1,200,000 205 Zeosanggi 1,300,000 16,000
Dengjo 1,100,000 200 Yeulla 1,200,000 15,100
Namussi 900,000 14,550
Mwolla 820,000 14,000
Yuwon 780,000 12,950
Neju 700,000 11,250
Kangssi 600,000 10,610
Gomssi 200,000 9650


content about constitution, human rights, etc

Foreign Relations

Main article: Foreign relations of Metzetta

Historically one of Metzetta's favourite diplomatic tools was the arranged marriage between a high-ranking foreigner and a cadet member of the Imperial Family. Modern-day Metzetta also employs the tactic of twinning its cities with those abroad to foster friendly relations. Metzettan Emperors often bestow honours upon foreign heads of state as a display of friendship. A large number of Metzettan diplomats are minor royals. Metzettan embassies can be found in every country that maintains diplomatic relations with Metzetta.


Main article: Metzettan Imperial Armed Forces

Metzetta's military is controlled by the War Chief, a title maintained since ancient times and a position subordinate only to the Emperor or Empress. The three main branches of the military are the Metzettan Army, the Metzettan Imperial Navy and the Metzettan Air Force. The coastguard and marines operate as sub-branches of the Navy while the Air Force maintains a sub-branch dedicated to space travel and defense. Metzetta maintains a strong shipbuilding industry but with a military aircraft manufacturing industry in decline, sources many of its fighter jets from Caphiria. Meat-based rations are provided by Daxia.


Metzetta has a population of roughly 77,000,000. Ethnic subgroups of Metzetta include the Shorad Hwo.


Main article: Education in Metzetta

Metzetta boasts several ancient universities and its citizens place a high value on educating themselves and their children. Education is free and compulsory until the age of 16 (homeschooling is also an option). Students may elect to stay on for 2 further years of education, which most do. University education is heavily subsidised for citizens, but remains expensive for foreign students.


The language of Metzetta is Metzi, a language isolate. It is written using the Hangul alphabet. Most students study English as part of their education, with some optionally taking on Daxian, Burgoignesc, Aciriani, Coscivian or Latin as well.


The indigenous account of the origin of the universe in Metzetta is known as Chulcheo, which is explored briefly below. For most of recorded history Chulcheo was regarded as plain fact, and despite all scientific evidence pointing to the contrary, many locals still retain their beliefs in the old gods. Other religions such as Buddhism exist only as a minority, and among the younger generations abandoning religion entirely is becoming the norm. Catholicism is most prominent in Ankae, as missionaries often arrived in the port city and decided to stay there beginning with the arrival of Fulvio Pisani in the early 1600s; Christianity in Metzetta is notable for originating the Moravian Church.

Metzettan Cosmology (Chulcheo)

Metzetta's (almost certainly apocryphal) first Emperor was said to be descended directly from the gods. The country's mythical early history was compiled in the Iyagi-seda, one of the earliest history books developed in the region. A High Priest has been installed as long as Metzetta has had an Emperor and their lineage is similarly well-documented.

The progenitor of all things in Chulcheo is Nalag, the primordial force of chaos. From Nalag came Sim-yeon, the god of the sea, an enormous red whale whose tail causes the waves, and Haneul, goddess of the sky, a gigantic bird whose wings cause the wind. Sim-yeon and Haneul's child was Hwasan, a great bear who raised the land from the sea and raised the mountains above the land. Hwasan created Ip, who placed the plants upon the land, Uloe who caused thunder and lightning, and Ugi, the rain god. Before retreating to the Moon, Nalag also created Majimag, the god of death, a skeleton who puffs a pipe until the smoke forms demons, and Taeyang, the sun. Majimag in turn created Ssaum, the god of war. Taeyang had 3 daughters: Hwajae, the goddess of love and fire; Jihye, the goddess of knowledge; and Won-in, the goddess of fertility. Jihye became the mother of the demigods, while Won-in gave birth to all the beasts and animals of the land.

Ssaum and Hwajae had a daughter; Dalrae, the first woman. This is the mythical origin of the human race. Dalrae and the demigod of the stars, Byeol, had many children, the first of whom was Yang, the founder of Meseda-jo and one of the most important figures in Metzettan legend. From these few figures all the men and women of the world are said to be descended. While it is not true in reality than the human race originated in Metzetta, this origin tale indicates that the people of other lands went forth from Metzetta to found their respective countries.


Metzetta offers its citizens free healthcare, and boasts high life expectancy rates. With birth rates falling, the population is aging rapidly. Advanced medical facilities such as MRI scanners are readily available. Tourists must pay to access Metzettan medical care. Smoking is common in Metzetta, causing concern amongst the country's medical experts.


Metzetta produces countless goods for delivery to all corners of the globe, and is the number one manufacturer of printed circuit boards worldwide.


The Metzettan Won is the nation's currency, minted by the Bank of Metzetta. The word "won" means "round" in reference to the shape of the coins, which were originally minted with square holes. Many variations have been produced and coin collecting is a popular hobby. Currently coins are minted in values of ₩1, ₩5, ₩10, ₩50, ₩100 and ₩500, though ₩1 and ₩5 coins are becoming increasingly rare as inflation renders them obsolete. Banknotes are currently minted in denominations of ₩1000, ₩5000, ₩10,000, ₩50,000 and ₩100,000. Coins and banknotes in other denominations have been produced in the past and unusual denominations are sometimes minted for commemorative purposes. Common subjects depicted on coins and banknotes include Emperors, flowers, birds and architecture.


Main article: Agriculture in Metzetta

With a relatively small amount of arable land for a country of its size, most Metzettan crops are sold domestically, with very little produced for the export market. Metzettan farmers are very proud of the unique cultivars of fruits, vegetables and other plants they maintain, some of which have been the family business for generations. Most homes include a small food garden.


Main article: Industry in Metzetta

Printed circuit boards are Metzetta's primary export product, many of which go to Pelaxia.

Automotive Industry

Main article: Automotive Industry in Metzetta

There are 4 major manufacturers in Metzetta; Hyansae, Miu, Jadocha and Sung-Gohan (known internationally as Imperial Automobiles). Several smaller brands (including MSH and Kwaeyong) also operate in the country. The auto sector is a major employer, particularly in the industrial city of Jamsu where most of the automotive factories are located.


In 2024, 18 million foreign tourists visited Metzetta. With rising tourism prospects, especially from outside of Alshar, the Metzettan government has set a target of attracting 20 million visitors a year by 2030.

Science & Technology

content about the space program and how great it is wow also the computer market or something


Metzetta imports meat from Daxia and petroleum, coconut oil and tea from Pelaxia.


Metzeta exports Hyansae cars to Daxia and printed circuit boards to Pelaxia.


The Metzettan Government considers strong infrastructure to be central to maintaining a cohesive society.


Main article: Transport in Metzetta

Public transport is provided by the Metzettan government and is free for citizens over 60.


Main article: MetzRail

Metzetta uses the somewhat unusual rail gauge of 1600mm (5ft 3in), meaning its trains are incompatible with tracks of most other nations of the world, necessitating a change of trains when leaving the country's rail network. This rail gauge is also used by Kiravia. The slightly wider tracks allow for larger cylinders, useful for pulling trains up the hilly terrain of the countryside. Rail transport and freight is a public enterprise in Metzetta. Several cities offer a subway system and a vestigial narrow-gauge (3ft 6in gauge) network operates in tandem with the main network. A tram system operates in Dengjo, and elevated light rail can be found in Jaegyu.


Main article: Metzettan Highway System

The Metzettan Highway System mostly runs North-South routes due to the mountain range running down the middle of the country, though there are several East-West crossings including several tunnels. Buses provide local and national public transport links.


Main article:

Metzettair is the government-owned flag-carrier for the country, operating both domestic and international flights. A small number of private airlines have appeared in the past few decades to provide budget vacations. Hanzeong International Airport is the largest airport in the country.


Main article:

Metzetta has a strong seafaring tradition given its ample coastline and many island territories.


Historically Metzetta was a coal-powered nation but this system has been supplanted by nuclear energy, and to a lesser extent, other renewable sources such as wind, geothermal, solar, tidal and hydroelectric power. Nearly 75% of Metzetta's energy is produced in Nuclear power plants, with plans to retire the few remaining coal plants well underway. It is not uncommon for private citizens to generate some of their own electricity through the use of a small wind turbine or bank of solar panels. Energy is not a private industry in Metzetta and all power plants are controlled by Energy For Metzetta, a government agency.

Internet & Telecommunications

Metzetta's capital of Hanzeong has offered free city-wide public Wi-Fi since 2024, with plans for similar services in Ankae, Jamsu and Inyang to open before 2030. The country's top-level domain code is .mz. Rural regions have been slow to adopt fibre-optic broadband, with many isolated households still using dial-up modems. Metzetta's international calling code is +99. Amateur radio is a popular hobby in Metzetta; domestic callsigns begin with the prefix MZ and the International League of Radio Amateurs is based in the country.

Postal Service

The Imperial Postal Service operates in Metzetta under the control of the government. They often issue commemorative stamps and collecting them was once a popular hobby. Metzetta's postal codes are written in the format LLNN-NNNL, where L is a letter and N is a number; for example Hanzeong City Hall's postal code is YG01-355A. The first two digits represent Yang District in Hanzeong; there are over 50 of these two-letter abbreviations.


Main article: Culture of Metzetta

As one of the world's oldest continuous cultures, Metzettans have passed down their traditional narratives in a variety of ways.


Main article: Metzettan Art

Art in Metzetta tends towards naturalistic subjects such as landscapes, flowers and birds. Paintings were traditionally done in ink on Mulberry paper.


Main article: Metzettan Architecture

Traditional Metzettan homes are known as meok. Shrines and palaces have represented the pinnacle of Metzettan architecture for their entire history, often lavishly and colourfully decorated. Jangeomhan Gungjeon is among the nation's most well known architectural sites. In modern times, several supertall structures are planned to make use of limited city real estate.


Main article: Cuisine in Metzetta

Metzettan cuisine has evolved through centuries of social and political change. Ingredients and dishes vary by province. There are many significant regional dishes that have proliferated in different variations across the country in the present day. Metzettan cuisine is largely based on rice, noodles, tofu, vegetables, fish and meats. Traditional Metzettan meals are noted for the number of side dishes, banchan (반찬), which accompany steam-cooked short-grain rice. Every meal is accompanied by numerous banchan. Metzetta is unique among Alshari countries in its use of metal chopsticks rather than wooden or bamboo ones.

Fast food chains available in Metzetta include Ramyeonba, NoWaiter and Prontoburger.

Literature & Philosophy

Main articles: Metzettan Literature and Metzettan Philosophy

content about poetry


Main article: Music of Metzetta

Traditional Metzettan music is called gugak, which makes use of traditional instruments such as tanso. Early pop music with a western influence began to appear in the 1940's, taking off properly with the arrival of the rock genre. The domestic genre of City Ballads took over in the 80's, promoting smooth sounds and mature lyrics, while the current chart-dominating form of Metz-pop appeared around 2010 and has seen much popularity abroad.

Metzetta has a strong classical tradition beginning with Shon Iksung and the popular compact disc (CD) format was invented in Metzetta by Miu Electronics. Metzetta has been an industry-leader in the field of electronic synthesizers and produces guitars and studio equipment in large volumes.

Traditional Metzettan fan dance


Main article: Metzettan Dance

Metzettan traditional dance originated in shamanistic rituals performed thousands of years ago. By the year 1000 AD, several dances had attained a permanent high status, including the fan dance, two swords dance, ghost dance, hermit dance, monk dance, mask dance and silk dance. The 1970s saw a systematic effort to catalogue the traditional Metzettan dances lest they become lost to time.


Main article: Media in Metzetta

Metzetta's contemporary media has become one of its most important exports.


Main article: Television in Metzetta

Baeyang Public Broadcasting is a government-owned business which distributes several TV and radio stations. The first television channels to be broadcast in Metzetta were BPB1, BPB2 and BPB3. These channels have continued to operate into the digital era alongside several more modern offerings from BPB and other, private broadcasting houses. BPB now offers its programming worldwide through licensing agreements and online services.


Main article: Film in Metzetta



Main article: Newspapers in Metzetta

Metzetta's most notable and widely-read paper is the Sinmun-seda, published since 1821.

Video Games

Main article: History of video games in Metzetta

A dedicated video games industry exists in Metzetta thanks to the Metzettan youth's love for the medium. While a small number of video games were created in the 1970's, the medium's real move into the mainstream came in the 1980's when dedicated video arcades began to appear. PC and console gaming became widely adopted starting in the 1990's.


Metzettan theatre performances were originally done in courtyards but which have now moved to stages; the artform remains vibrant today domestically but is little heard-of abroad. Early productions had no fixed script, instead being passed down orally.


Main article: Holidays in Metzetta

The two most famous Metzettan festivals are Chusu (the harvest festival) and Saehae (celebrating the New Year). Gaehwa (the blossom festival) is also very popular within the country. Holidays are split into National Holidays and National Observances, with the former being more prominent; Recognised Celebrations are acknowledged by the government but not actively celebrated.

Modern mettubok in a fashion show


Main article: Fashion in Metzetta

The traditional dress of Metzetta is known as Mettubok. Modern Metzettan fashion brands which are popular include NoSecrets, ZVibe and Gwihan. Jamsu has long been the heart of the country's textile industry.


Main article: Sports in Metzetta

Metzetta was chosen to host the first Istroyan Games, and did so in Hanzeong in 1950. Hanzeong also hosted the Winter Games in 2000. The International Istroyan Games Committee have announced Metzetta will host its second Summer Games in 2030; this time it will be held in Ankae.

The martial art Taekwondo originated in Metzetta. Other martial arts include X and X. Traditional Metzettan wrestling is known as Ssireum, and professional wrestling has become a popular spectator sport with the nation's youth. Boxing has been popular in Metzetta since its introduction and major bouts attract millions of viewers.

Metzettan archers are highly decorated atheletes, and swimming has been popular in the country since before records began. Hiking on Metzetta's many mountains is very popular, particularly among older generations. Hiking is a massive industry for clothing companies and for tourism; hence hiking trails in Metzetta have good infrastructure.

Soccer, baseball, basketball and volleyball are some foreign sports which have caught on hugely in Metzetta; the national football team were victorious in the 1994 WAFF World Cup, held in Pelaxia, and the 1970 World Cup was hosted in Metzetta. Ice hockey also draws large crowds in the busier cities.

University leagues exist for most major sports, including table tennis.

The Metzettan Magpie


The magnolia tree is one of Metzetta's most treasured symbols; indeed, a stylised magnolia blossom features on the nation's flag and can be found on several denominations of Metzettan banknotes. The Metzettan Magpie is the national bird.


Main article: Genealogy in Metzetta

Metzettan genealogy is well documented. There are relatively few surnames in Metzetta and one's clan is an important aspect of identity for Metzettans.


Main article: Metzettan Folklore

Metzetta has a rich tapestry of folk-tales and beliefs. The story of Dalrae fighting a bear is widely taught in schools.

Conspiracy theories also hold a place in modern Metzettan folklore.


Main article: Gardens in Metzetta

Terraced flower beds are a common feature in traditional Metzettan gardens.

Galleries, Museums & Libraries


make navbox for Metzetta-based articles

See also

MetzTopics Navbox