Naval Capability-based Restructuring Act of 2028

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The Naval Capability-based Restructuring Act of 2028 is the Navy of Burgundie's residual action following the Burgoignesc Military Compte Rendu of 2025 and the 21st Century Burgoignesc Power Projection Stratagem's Operation Cavum Fundamentum. It is a sweeping reform to the structure of the Navy of Burgundie, but it is most famous for reorganizing the fleets around amphibious assault ships (AAS) and Expeditionary Mobile Bases (EMBs) instead of aircraft carriers. As part of the Burgoignesc Military Compte Rendu of 2025, the Navy of Burgundie's leadership looked at the mission sets for AASs, EMBs, and aircraft carriers and came to the following conclusions:

  • Amphibious Assault Ship Mission Sets:
    • Amphibious Invasion:
      • Objective: Execute large-scale amphibious landings to secure and establish control over strategically significant coastal areas.
      • Composition: Deploy Marine Expeditionary Units (MEUs) with ground forces, helicopters, and landing craft.
      • Support: Integrated air support for ground forces, rapid troop deployment, and beachhead establishment.
    • Immediate Crisis Response:
      • Objective: Swift response to emerging crises, such as natural disasters or security threats, with the ability to rapidly deploy ground forces.
      • Composition: MEU deployment for humanitarian aid, disaster relief, or counterterrorism operations.
      • Support: Quick reaction capability, versatile air support, and a mobile base for immediate intervention.
    • Air Superiority Operations:
      • Objective: Establish and maintain air superiority in a specific operational theater.
      • Composition: Integrated air wing with both helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft.
      • Support: Launch and recovery capabilities for air assets, providing continuous air cover.
    • Maritime Interdiction:
      • Objective: Conduct operations to control and monitor maritime traffic, intercept smuggling, and enforce maritime law.
      • Composition: Utilize naval infantry and helicopters for boarding and inspection.
      • Support: Versatile air assets for surveillance and interception.
    • Joint Amphibious Assault:
      • Objective: Coordinate and execute joint amphibious assaults in collaboration with allied forces.
      • Composition: Combined MEU deployment with multinational ground forces.
      • Support: Integrated command and control for joint operations, facilitating cooperation and coordination.
  • Expeditionary Mobile Base (ESB) Ship Mission Sets:
    • Forward Operating Base Establishment:
      • Objective: Establish a forward operating base in a strategic location to support sustained operations.
      • Composition: Logistical support, maintenance facilities, and medical resources.
      • Support: Serve as a hub for sustained mission support and coordination.
    • Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR):
      • Objective: Provide immediate and sustained support in the aftermath of natural disasters.
      • Composition: Medical facilities, resupply capabilities, and space for relief personnel.
      • Support: Serve as a floating base for humanitarian operations and disaster response.
    • Joint Command and Control Hub:
      • Objective: Centralized command and coordination of joint operations in a specific theater.
      • Composition: Advanced communication systems, intelligence facilities, and joint operational planning.
      • Support: Coordination of diverse missions and joint operations.
    • Naval Logistics and Sustainment:
      • Objective: Support and sustain naval operations by providing logistical support and maintenance.
      • Composition: Supply and repair facilities, storage for equipment and supplies.
      • Support: Serve as a replenishment and maintenance hub for naval forces.
    • Special Operations Support:
      • Objective: Facilitate special operations missions by serving as a forward operating base.
      • Composition: Support for special forces, storage for equipment, and air assets.
      • Support: Enable rapid deployment and sustained operations for special forces.
  • Aircraft Carrier Mission Sets:
    • Power Projection:
      • Objective: Project power and force over long distances, influencing events in a distant operational theater.
      • Composition: Carrier air wing with a mix of fixed-wing aircraft.
      • Support: Extended range and flexibility for offensive and defensive operations.
    • Strategic Deterrence:
      • Objective: Serve as a visible and potent deterrent, showcasing naval power and capabilities.
      • Composition: Carrier strike group with air, surface, and subsurface components.
      • Support: Presence and capability to respond to potential threats.
    • Air Superiority Operations:
      • Objective: Establish and maintain air superiority to control the airspace in a specific operational theater.
      • Composition: Carrier-based air wing with fighter aircraft.
      • Support: Continuous air cover and control for joint operations.
    • Maritime Security and Surveillance:
      • Objective: Conduct maritime surveillance and security operations in a designated area.
      • Composition: Carrier air wing with surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities.
      • Support: Continuous aerial surveillance and reconnaissance for maritime domain awareness.
    • Joint Task Force Support:
      • Objective: Serve as the centerpiece of a joint task force, providing air support and command capabilities.
      • Composition: Carrier strike group with a mix of assets.
      • Support: Centralized command and control, enabling coordination of joint operations.

Of the capabilities that only an aircraft carrier could perform, large scale fixed-wing aircraft delivery and recovery, the Navy of Burgundie did not have a sufficient need to match the expenditure of maintaining the number of carriers it currently maintained.

See also