Burgo-Vallejar relations

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2034 Vallejar-Burgundie Maritime Security Initiative


During the first quarter of 2034, the Ministry of Security and Justice of Vallejar notified the government of a significant and worrying increase in insecurity and cases of attempted robbery, kidnapping and damage to merchant, commercial, leisure, fishing and any vessels. others in the Vallejarian seas, as well as in all parts of the world for entirely Vallejarian ships. The increase in cases occurred in exact figures on May 1, 2034. These figures are the increase from 85 to 194 in cases of attempted robbery, kidnapping and damage to all types of vessels, in addition to material losses of 4 fishing boats. , 2 cruise ships and 3 merchant and commercial ships, also economic losses since the value of the stolen, kidnapped, sunken or degraded goods in such a way that an economic benefit cannot be obtained from them amounts to approximately 347.8 million, in terms of lives and injured people must be counted: 2 murdered, 16 seriously injured and more than 400 slightly injured, all of these only in cases within Vallejaran waters or attacks directed at entirely Vallejarian vessels, so it is estimated that this type of case is have multiplied by three in the entire Vallos and Sarpedón area, in addition to the rest of international waters, in which the data varies and is relative.

For this reason, on the same day, May 1, it was announced through a statement from Máximo Bueno, the Principal Minister of God of Vallejar, about the situation of insecurity and the plan that the king promulgated and approved in a royal decree, which gives a preamble and explanation of the anti-piracy law and the measures that will be taken by Vallejar to improve the situation are the following:

Improvement and modernization of maritime security vessels: Economic resources will be directed to improve and modernize all vessels belonging to the maritime protection department of the royal navy of Vallejar, making their security measures and armed and defense capacity greater than the current one, helping to repel attempted robberies, kidnappings and other acts in maritime security operations. Acquire or manufacture more and better maritime security vessels: The manufacturing, design and research of maritime control and protection vessels manufactured and produced in Vallejar will be promoted, to improve all their defense capabilities and armed capacity. Enact safety regulations on private vessels: Invest in security to provide sufficient resources to maritime guards: Establish diplomatic agreements to combat these crimes: Prepare strategic operations: Promote information on the topic:

Joint efforts

A new Lansing Lines shipyard will be opened in Vallejar to produce purpose-built maritime security ships for the coast guard and navy of Vallejar.

A joint anti-piracy patrol for both anti-piracy and training purposes will commence immediately, Joint Task Squadron Vallejar Prosperity, formed of 3 Burgoignesc offshore patrol vessels, 4 inshore patrol vessels, and 6 maritime patrol aircraft.

See also