Burgo-Vallejar relations

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2034 Vallejar-Burgundie Maritime Security Initiative


During the first quarter of 2034, the Ministry of Security and Justice of Vallejar notified the government of a significant and concerning increase in insecurity and cases of attempted robbery, kidnapping, and damage to merchant, commercial, leisure, fishing vessels, and any others in Vallejarian seas, as well as everywhere in the world for fully Vallejarian vessels. The rise in cases occurred on May 1, 2034, with exact figures indicating an increase from 85 to 194 cases of attempted robbery, kidnapping, and damage to all types of vessels. Additionally, there were material losses of 4 fishing boats, 2 cruisers, and 3 merchant and commercial ships. Economic losses are also reported, as the value of stolen, kidnapped, sunk, or degraded goods, rendering them economically unprofitable, amounts to approximately 347.8 million. In terms of lives lost and people injured, there were 2 murders, 16 seriously injured, and over 400 slightly injured, all within Vallejarian waters or directed attacks on entirely Vallejarian vessels. It is estimated that such cases have tripled throughout the Vallos and Sarpedón area, as well as in other international waters, where data varies and is relative.

For this reason, on the same day, May 1, it was announced through a statement by Máximo Bueno, the Chief Minister of God of Vallejar, regarding the insecurity situation and the plan promulgated and approved by the king in a royal decree. The preamble and explanation of the anti-piracy law and the measures Vallejar will take to improve the situation are as follows:

1. Improvement and modernization of maritime security vessels: Economic resources will be allocated to improve and modernize all vessels belonging to the maritime protection department of the Royal Navy of Vallejar, enhancing their security measures and armed defense capacity to better repel attempted robberies, kidnappings, and other acts during maritime protection operations.

2. Acquisition or manufacture of more and better maritime security vessels: Manufacturing, design, and research of control and maritime protection vessels made and produced in Vallejar will be promoted to enhance their defense capabilities and armed capacity.

3. Enactment of a safety regulation for private vessels: Initiating the enactment of non-mandatory safety regulations or quality standards for all private vessels, producers, and manufacturers of vessels to ensure the minimum necessary safety. Though not legally mandatory and no one is obliged to comply with it by law, if these minimum safety standards are not met on the ships, insurers will not be legally obligated to cover the expenses resulting from robberies, kidnappings, and damages to private or corporate vessels. Furthermore, companies will be prohibited from maintaining contracts with the government.

4. Investment in security to provide sufficient means to maritime guards: Funding in the ship protection department will be increased by a minimum of 25%, and by 5% in the Royal Navy to enable relevant authorities to make purchases and conduct research.

5. Establishing diplomatic agreements to combat these crimes: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, under the king's and the Minister of God's instructions, will contact all neighboring and allied states, as well as those with contentious coasts, to carry out joint operations against these crimes and/or agreements on maritime passage rights for the Vallejarian navy to ensure the safety of Vallejarian vessels abroad.

6. Preparing strategic operations: Joint or solo operations will be carried out by state security forces to effectively and completely dismantle all criminal organizations or groups involved in maritime crime.

7. Promoting information on the subject: It will be enacted that information on such "external" issues be covered by more newspapers and national news, making the population aware of the struggle and effort made by state security forces in combating maritime crime.

Joint efforts

A new Lansing Lines shipyard will be opened in Vallejar to produce purpose-built maritime security ships for the coast guard and navy of Vallejar.

A joint anti-piracy patrol for both anti-piracy and training purposes will commence immediately, Joint Task Squadron Vallejar Prosperity, formed of 3 Burgoignesc offshore patrol vessels, 4 inshore patrol vessels, and 6 maritime patrol aircraft. All of which will be transferred to Vallejar at the end of 5 years of the joint patrol.

GMDSS Integration

Bringing Vallejar into the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) and opening a watch station, manned by the Vallejarian navy of the GMDSS with a rapid response team assigned to responding to GMDSS alerts. Burgoignesc naval technical experts will collaborate with their Vallejarian counterparts to assess the existing communication infrastructure in Vallejar and identify any necessary upgrades to meet GMDSS standards. This will involve the installation of new equipment, such as VHF radios, MF/HF radios, and dedicated GMDSS consoles, onboard Vallejarian vessels. Burgoignesc naval personnel will provide comprehensive training to Vallejarian maritime personnel on the proper use and operation of GMDSS equipment. This training will cover essential protocols for sending and receiving distress alerts, communicating with search and rescue authorities, and participating in maritime safety information broadcasts. In collaboration with Vallejar, Burgundie will assist in establishing a fully operational GMDSS watch station within the country. This station will be staffed by trained Vallejarian personnel and equipped to continuously monitor international distress frequencies, respond to emergency calls, and coordinate search and rescue operations as needed. Joining the GMDSS will ensure that Vallejarian vessels in distress can transmit immediate and accurate distress alerts, enabling a swift and coordinated response from search and rescue authorities, both domestically and internationally.

GMDSS integration will contribute to a safer maritime environment for all vessels operating in Vallejarian waters as well as the Kindreds Sea. By providing a reliable communication channel for emergencies and safety information, the system can help prevent accidents and ensure timely assistance when needed. Participating in the  GMDSS also demonstrates Vallejar's commitment to international maritime safety standards and facilitates cooperation with other  GMDSS member states. This will foster a collaborative approach to addressing maritime security challenges and paves the way for future partnerships and information sharing as Vallejar continues to upgrade its maritime security operations as well as joining the most advanced maritime nations.

MSST creation and training

Creation of the Vallejarian Maritime Safety and Security Team, initially a joint Revenue Guard of Burgundie and Coast Guard of Vallejar team but with command transferring to Vallejar in three years and staffed and commanded entirely by Vallejar in 5 years.

Naval and Revenue Guard strategists from Burgundie will sit with Vallejar naval and Coast Guard high command and reorganize the Vallejar navy and Coast Guard into a 21st century, elite fighting/law enforcement force, through the Maritime Capability-Based Restructuring Act of 2035. Reconstituting the existing maritime assets and establishing a new procurement plan for the development of the Navy and Coast Guard of Vallejar from 2035-2050.

See also