Burgoignesc North Levantine Trading Company

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Burgoignesc North Levantine Trading Company (BNLTC)
Company typePublic
IndustryInternational trade
Founded7 July 1579

Following the Catholic victory in the Great Confessional War and flush with their new formal assimilation into the Imperial system the enriched and enobled Bergendii elite of the Dericanian coast looked to reestablish their maritime prowess. The newly ordained Duchy of Martilles ordered the establishment of the Martillien North Levantine Trading Company (MNLC) to bolster trade in Northern Levantia with the homelands of the mercenary soldiers with whom Martilliens had recently fought against the Protestant nobles. The charter gave the company the power to control the trading interests of Martillien merchants from "the borders north of the upper reaches of the Kingdom of Dericania unto the lands at the zenith of the His terrestial orb (read Kiravia)".


Colonial ventures

Veraise 1593 and Credesia shortly there after until 1812. Chaukhira 1598

Collapse of Kirosocialism

In, 2005 AD (21185 in Anno Kiroalternative (AKa)) with the collapse of Kirosocialism the National Warehouse & Granary Administration was abolished. In the susequent years the Kiraviaian National Redistribution Plans sold off many of its national warehouses, no less than 100 of various capacities were purchased by the BNLTC. These warehouses remain the backbone and conduit of Burgoignesc trade coming into and out of Kiravia. They were given special dispensation to conduct Customs protocols at these warehouses in the early 2020s which has made trade between Burgundie and Kiravia incredibly efficient. One of the unintended consequences is that it has led to the rise of criminal gangs, particularly the Kiravian Mafia, attempting to alter shipments after they have passed customs to smuggle contraband to their branches in Burgundie and to the Martillian Mafia. This has led to a sub-industry of contract security to protect these shipments which has, by the mid 2020s, led to an increase in consumer prices in Burgundie for Kiraviaian goods. The BNLTC and Revenue Guard work in close cooperation with the Kiravian Littoral Force to mitigate this criminal activity but it is known to be on the rise as the Kiravian Mafia allocates more resources to exploiting any vulnerabilities in the security protocols.

Automate 2028 Initiative

Cross Trucking Company's Autoframe 2028 and Doppel Gangway's Knarr Class

Eminent Projects

Model Name Specifications Image Class
Knarr Class Autonomous
Model Name Specifications Image Class
AutoFrame 2030 File:AutoFrame2030.jpeg Autonomous Truck

See Also